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U.S Navy


  • Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 18. 2007 16:54

I had a bit of spare time last night, so I decided to start a compilation of the ranges of
the USN AA guns.

A few notes:

1. Some of the pics are mirrored, since I was testing with broadsides on both port and
starboard. So for the pics where you see my tag and name on the wrong side, that's because
it was flipped.

2. All shots were made at the golden angles listed at Trainworld, and the pics show where
the shell terminates in air. This should NOT be confused with the actual range of the AA,
since the engagement envelope is behind where the shell terminates. Higher angles also
mean that the engagement envelope is smaller.

All pics in the next post to optimize thread loading.

*Destickied by TimmyC - LK's request.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 20. 2007 14:26

Great job.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 20. 2007 12:13

It depends. If you look at the golden angles, you'll see that the engagement envelope is
relatively small, since it has a higher golden angle, which means that your shells will be
at the golden angle height for a smaller duration of the flight. The 5"54 L's have really
crappy damage but a relatively low golden angle and more range than the 3"70's. This makes
the 5"54's ideal for picking off scouts, but not so much for bringing down bombers, which
the 5"38's do relatively well due to short reload time and high damage (beaten only by the
6" DP). I've tried the 3"70's as well, and they're good for taking down scouts too, but I
find that their damage isn't quite enough to bring down bombers reliably, which is also
partially due to their comparatively high golden angle.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 20. 2007 12:02

Nice help, seems like 3/70 N are the best choice for Iowa then.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 20. 2007 10:39

I'm actually thinking of remaking the chart so that it's more even, since right now you
can tell that there are a lot of glaring open spaces and unevenness in the thing. If I do,
I'll see about adding golden angle information along with reload speeds.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 20. 2007 10:27

Thanks for your effort in this. It would be good to include RLD speed so that people
can compare which gun have good range to rld ratio.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 20. 2007 10:08

one word: GANK.

very helpful :D ty kelvin

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 19. 2007 18:13

I had all the pictures in the first post, which would've meant that anyone who clicked on
the thread would be forced to load them every page, so I redid the thread and put the
pictures in the first post down.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 19. 2007 16:36

he deleted it. duh! xD

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 19. 2007 15:25

Hrm, what happened to the original post?

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 18. 2007 21:39

Hehe, so me sticking with 3'70N is wise.
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