HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    12. 25. 2016 20:43

Merry Christmas everyone! 

At this great season, it's time to plan for the next year. TeamNF is now open for constructive suggestions that will help Navyfield to provide us fun for another 10 years. Our developers are very busy, as you know Navyfield mobile is coming out soon, so we have priorities. But we will treasure all your ideas, especially ideas in promoting Navyfield!  

A promotion campaign will be held soon, we are still drafting more details about funding and contents.  If you are able to help in any ways(ie Graphic design, video, funding, game promotion, magazine etc) You are more than welcome to join and help!  Leave your opinions below or reach me at  [email protected]    ^_^  (My email no longer accept unban/restore request for certain reasons,please send ticket with new account if you can't access your original one)  

For long term NF supporters, if you encounter problem in accessing your account or you want to justify a previous ban, please send a ticket and we will review case by case.



  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    04. 17. 2017 06:49


Look to server traffic Easter 2017 - you are advice-resistant and that´s what we ALL can see:

Waiting, waiting....and one more wating.

Thanks´a lot for that great Improvements of the last days. The days of NF are counted - thanks Vinnson!

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    04. 17. 2017 06:56


I know that Vinnson had plans for a eastern event. Thats what he told me when he was answering my ticket. Eastern is one of the best times for running a event, but maybe someting stopped the plans?

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    04. 19. 2017 15:08


Originally Posted by greywolf_eu

I know that Vinnson had plans for a eastern event. Thats what he told me when he was answering my ticket. Eastern is one of the best times for running a event, but maybe someting stopped the plans?

There was that spurt of GM activity a while back...but seems to have gone all quiet...wonder what's going on  

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    05. 02. 2017 13:08



      i hope you this suggestion will able you to hear..or it might be consider..instead of removing the trade why not continue trading but ...but if you trade you need to have permission from the MOD or while at trade room there should be a tnf member to monitor between the traders...or there will be time or day scheduled only for trading. cuz for some reason that trading can be one why some players stay playing cuz they are like to can help new players cuz some players are helping thier friends,families to lvl fast. most players as you know,they already got thier BB6's so why played blitz ..blitz for now average players in battle is like 8-12 ships.
       or you can adjust the trading by limit the lvl of the sailors to be trade like lvl 30-60,and lvl 70-125 is not tradable sailor,limit the credits to be trade to 20mil or lower.
      about the items in store is way too expensive for some countries about thier currency,cuz i see some online games can buy in thier local currency.
      as you mentioned below navyfield to provide fun for another 10 years,my point of view is that my account is like an investment that i want this account to be continued by my son or grandson this is sounds funny but who knows maybe yours too.

        thank you for the time reading this suggestion.i hope this suggestion will not offend anybody it's just a suggetion. 

have a nice day!!

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    05. 03. 2017 14:16


Please increase the odd to gain the medal when fewer players are playing.  

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    05. 07. 2017 08:28


i have always loved this game since i was in face a  sailor on three cvs in the us navy. Seems u need programing help. server crashes come on. maybe its time to partner up with another devolper to help have a secured setup. one wants to play game anymore with low exp, and most cases the days of massive revenue for  this game are gone. to many iusses for most players and they have got tired of it. i can speak from experince there. and yet will still buy olives if there is something i am up to.

quit adding new sailors, and such.....fix what we have...and most importantly have some sort of event running even during the week. would see alot of folks returning in that case. and reguardless of what we have most are more likly to spend money if there is a event, or attendace that at lest makes playing enjoyable.

the low attendance is killing u more than anything.....constant events and such would fix that no one likes waiting for 10 mins or longer to play a game and most will just turn it off and walk away. plz revive this game as even i am trying to make my own epic comeback after a few yrs gone.

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    05. 08. 2017 08:24


How about the mode, modified great battle with CVs w/o fighters? Nobody will call noob CVs in this mode any more. 

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    05. 09. 2017 19:11


I dont know if these suggestions have already been made , but they are guided towards making the leveling experience for newer ( non veteran ) players that dont have an option to trade new sailors more enjoyable : [ DISCLAIMER : THIS IS ALL IMO ]

1. Make recon planes more worthwhile : 
Recon planes , especially for newer players , seem useless. Yes , they provide vision , but what do they earn you ? A new player in current GBs will get oneshotted in seconds or has to wait behind friendly lines , hoping they could maybe flak down one plane , or maybe deal 1 damage to someone pushing them to get exp. Recon planes should add another layer of earning exp. By no means should they get you immediate full exp after spotting a ship , but they should generate more EXP (they already generate bonus creds.) for keeping them alive whilst spotting other players (maybe smth like 20 exp/s for every ship spotted with the plane) , providing usefull vision to your team , and as such , even veteran players would consider using them more often.

2. Make skirmish a viable gamemode:
YES THIS MODE IS A THING. Why is nobody using it ? Very simple. The rewards are shit , and because of it , leveling is a nonpleasant experience. In current GBs, a lot of players stay on they BB5+ , CV5+ and so on. A new player coming out of blitz will most likely start hating the game , seeing himself in a GB , where currently his only option is to flak , stay behind and wait to deal damage , or just get oneshot till they finally hit BB3 and might be able to strike back with something. Its painful. On the EU-Server about 1,5-2 years ago , we had normal games (and they had normal exp earnings) , which we had limited by levels , so that we could give lowlevel , new players a chance to actually do something , YES , A BB1 that ACTUALLY DOES SMTH OTHER THEN FLAK TO BE USEFULL. I know some people abused the normalgames which lead to their exp nerf, but the point still stands , adding lower leveled gamemodes with viable earnings for newer players make a leveling progression more enjoyable , and skirmish , having a place for players in the level <61-83 will be a better substitute to reach your BB3 from your bb1 will be more enjoyable , then having to level a bb1 with bb6s.

3. Explain the Stats , sailors and what they do:
Me as a returning player doesnt have an issue with the stats or the different sailorbranches , but a new one will. Till this day , its unknown what and how the Seaman works and what he actually does (PLEASE TELL US). A new player looking at the bomberstat will think like 'hmm , aight , this might add more bombing damage ' although that definatly is not the case , it just adds Durability to the plane. And don't arguement with the manual that has been put on your website , no new player in 2017 is gonna read that ,  a quick ingame button for easy accessable statexplaination and how they boost you is long overdue , but this leads me to another topic ,

4. Make rolling Sailors not such a hassle :
I don't think rolling should be deleted , but it should be managed differently, instead of rolling 10 points every time , i feel like you should have the option to roll for more points , which in return gives you more often +12 rolls. A new player will not enjoy sitting down and rolling for 2hrs, just to get the +12 rolls (or +15 pot.) for his crew he wants . This shouldn't enable players to roll like +12 in every stat (at the same time) more consistently , but just make you able to hit +12 on one stat , (maybe two) earlier , because rolling for 120 rolls , just to get +12 in AAW isnt rewarding (IMO).

Yes. This. I know why this is implemented : To stretch out the gametime for credits to catch up. But let me ask you : Does it feel good to know , you gained 10k exp , and leveled your lvl 1 up to lvl 2 with max exp for 300exp once , because you hit the levelup cap? No. It makes leveling feel like a chore , since a player (maybe not a new player on his first crew , but after that ) will realise , how much time he lost getting to level 12(and then from lvl 12 to about lvl 35). IMO it should be redesigned , so that you get the normal exp , but a lvl 1 neut . will levelcap at lvl 12 ( if the exp is reached that fast ) so that no Abilityrates are being lost , and after assigning him to a nation ( or not ) , will continue to level capless. Since with the Tradedeletion-patch we (APPARENTLY) get more Creds and Points as a tradeoff , i feel like players will be able to afford their on level ships once they hit their respectable levels.

I don't know if this will be read , or even taken into consideration , but it might add a new layer of fun for new players (or even returning veteran players) , that (maybe after the steamrelease that is being rumored about) join the game for the first time might appreciate.

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    05. 09. 2017 19:29



I dont know if these suggestions have already been made , but they are guided towards making the leveling experience for newer ( non veteran ) players that dont have an option to trade new sailors more enjoyable : [ DISCLAIMER : THIS IS ALL IMO ]

1. Make recon planes more worthwhile : 
Recon planes , especially for newer players , seem useless. Yes , they provide vision , but what do they earn you ? A new player in current GBs will get oneshotted in seconds or has to wait behind friendly lines , hoping they could maybe flak down one plane , or maybe deal 1 damage to someone pushing them to get exp. Recon planes should add another layer of earning exp. By no means should they get you immediate full exp after spotting a ship , but they should generate more EXP (they already generate bonus creds.) for keeping them alive whilst spotting other players (maybe smth like 20 exp/s for every ship spotted with the plane) , providing usefull vision to your team , and as such , even veteran players would consider using them more often.

2. Make skirmish a viable gamemode:
YES THIS MODE IS A THING. Why is nobody using it ? Very simple. The rewards are shit , and because of it , leveling is a nonpleasant experience. In current GBs, a lot of players stay on they BB5+ , CV5+ and so on. A new player coming out of blitz will most likely start hating the game , seeing himself in a GB , where currently his only option is to flak , stay behind and wait to deal damage , or just get oneshot till they finally hit BB3 and might be able to strike back with something. Its painful. On the EU-Server about 1,5-2 years ago , we had normal games (and they had normal exp earnings) , which we had limited by levels , so that we could give lowlevel , new players a chance to actually do something , YES , A BB1 that ACTUALLY DOES SMTH OTHER THEN FLAK TO BE USEFULL. I know some people abused the normalgames which lead to their exp nerf, but the point still stands , adding lower leveled gamemodes with viable earnings for newer players make a leveling progression more enjoyable , and skirmish , having a place for players in the level <61-83 will be a better substitute to reach your BB3 from your bb1 will be more enjoyable , then having to level a bb1 with bb6s.

3. Explain the Stats , sailors and what they do:
Me as a returning player doesnt have an issue with the stats or the different sailorbranches , but a new one will. Till this day , its unknown what and how the Seaman works and what he actually does (PLEASE TELL US). A new player looking at the bomberstat will think like 'hmm , aight , this might add more bombing damage ' although that definatly is not the case , it just adds Durability to the plane. And don't arguement with the manual that has been put on your website , no new player in 2017 is gonna read that ,  a quick ingame button for easy accessable statexplaination and how they boost you is long overdue , but this leads me to another topic ,

4. Make rolling Sailors not such a hassle :
I don't think rolling should be deleted , but it should be managed differently, instead of rolling 10 points every time , i feel like you should have the option to roll for more points , which in return gives you more often +12 rolls. A new player will not enjoy sitting down and rolling for 2hrs, just to get the +12 rolls (or +15 pot.) for his crew he wants . This shouldn't enable players to roll like +12 in every stat (at the same time) more consistently , but just make you able to hit +12 on one stat , (maybe two) earlier , because rolling for 120 rolls , just to get +12 in AAW isnt rewarding (IMO).

Yes. This. I know why this is implemented : To stretch out the gametime for credits to catch up. But let me ask you : Does it feel good to know , you gained 10k exp , and leveled your lvl 1 up to lvl 2 with max exp for 300exp once , because you hit the levelup cap? No. It makes leveling feel like a chore , since a player (maybe not a new player on his first crew , but after that ) will realise , how much time he lost getting to level 12(and then from lvl 12 to about lvl 35). IMO it should be redesigned , so that you get the normal exp , but a lvl 1 neut . will levelcap at lvl 12 ( if the exp is reached that fast ) so that no Abilityrates are being lost , and after assigning him to a nation ( or not ) , will continue to level capless. Since with the Tradedeletion-patch we (APPARENTLY) get more Creds and Points as a tradeoff , i feel like players will be able to afford their on level ships once they hit their respectable levels.

I don't know if this will be read , or even taken into consideration , but it might add a new layer of fun for new players (or even returning veteran players) , that (maybe after the steamrelease that is being rumored about) join the game for the first time might appreciate.


Yes these are good ideas.

  • Re : 2017 Navyfield open for suggestions~!

    05. 10. 2017 03:32




I dont know if these suggestions have already been made , but they are guided towards making the leveling experience for newer ( non veteran ) players that dont have an option to trade new sailors more enjoyable : [ DISCLAIMER : THIS IS ALL IMO ]

1. Make recon planes more worthwhile : 
Recon planes , especially for newer players , seem useless. Yes , they provide vision , but what do they earn you ? A new player in current GBs will get oneshotted in seconds or has to wait behind friendly lines , hoping they could maybe flak down one plane , or maybe deal 1 damage to someone pushing them to get exp. Recon planes should add another layer of earning exp. By no means should they get you immediate full exp after spotting a ship , but they should generate more EXP (they already generate bonus creds.) for keeping them alive whilst spotting other players (maybe smth like 20 exp/s for every ship spotted with the plane) , providing usefull vision to your team , and as such , even veteran players would consider using them more often.

2. Make skirmish a viable gamemode:
YES THIS MODE IS A THING. Why is nobody using it ? Very simple. The rewards are shit , and because of it , leveling is a nonpleasant experience. In current GBs, a lot of players stay on they BB5+ , CV5+ and so on. A new player coming out of blitz will most likely start hating the game , seeing himself in a GB , where currently his only option is to flak , stay behind and wait to deal damage , or just get oneshot till they finally hit BB3 and might be able to strike back with something. Its painful. On the EU-Server about 1,5-2 years ago , we had normal games (and they had normal exp earnings) , which we had limited by levels , so that we could give lowlevel , new players a chance to actually do something , YES , A BB1 that ACTUALLY DOES SMTH OTHER THEN FLAK TO BE USEFULL. I know some people abused the normalgames which lead to their exp nerf, but the point still stands , adding lower leveled gamemodes with viable earnings for newer players make a leveling progression more enjoyable , and skirmish , having a place for players in the level <61-83 will be a better substitute to reach your BB3 from your bb1 will be more enjoyable , then having to level a bb1 with bb6s.

3. Explain the Stats , sailors and what they do:
Me as a returning player doesnt have an issue with the stats or the different sailorbranches , but a new one will. Till this day , its unknown what and how the Seaman works and what he actually does (PLEASE TELL US). A new player looking at the bomberstat will think like 'hmm , aight , this might add more bombing damage ' although that definatly is not the case , it just adds Durability to the plane. And don't arguement with the manual that has been put on your website , no new player in 2017 is gonna read that ,  a quick ingame button for easy accessable statexplaination and how they boost you is long overdue , but this leads me to another topic ,

4. Make rolling Sailors not such a hassle :
I don't think rolling should be deleted , but it should be managed differently, instead of rolling 10 points every time , i feel like you should have the option to roll for more points , which in return gives you more often +12 rolls. A new player will not enjoy sitting down and rolling for 2hrs, just to get the +12 rolls (or +15 pot.) for his crew he wants . This shouldn't enable players to roll like +12 in every stat (at the same time) more consistently , but just make you able to hit +12 on one stat , (maybe two) earlier , because rolling for 120 rolls , just to get +12 in AAW isnt rewarding (IMO).

Yes. This. I know why this is implemented : To stretch out the gametime for credits to catch up. But let me ask you : Does it feel good to know , you gained 10k exp , and leveled your lvl 1 up to lvl 2 with max exp for 300exp once , because you hit the levelup cap? No. It makes leveling feel like a chore , since a player (maybe not a new player on his first crew , but after that ) will realise , how much time he lost getting to level 12(and then from lvl 12 to about lvl 35). IMO it should be redesigned , so that you get the normal exp , but a lvl 1 neut . will levelcap at lvl 12 ( if the exp is reached that fast ) so that no Abilityrates are being lost , and after assigning him to a nation ( or not ) , will continue to level capless. Since with the Tradedeletion-patch we (APPARENTLY) get more Creds and Points as a tradeoff , i feel like players will be able to afford their on level ships once they hit their respectable levels.

I don't know if this will be read , or even taken into consideration , but it might add a new layer of fun for new players (or even returning veteran players) , that (maybe after the steamrelease that is being rumored about) join the game for the first time might appreciate.


Yes these are good ideas.


Damn it you two... 

Anyway, Skirmish I agree with but it has issues. We split the community. We dont have enough players to run blitz and GB nevermind Blitz, GB and Skirmish. We need to focus on more new players first to fill out the ranks. 

Recon planes do provide rewards. If YOUR recon plane is spotting an enemy when it takes damage you get bonus credits.

Also the only time the +1 level cap thing is an issue is blitz, and thats only because of the event....