HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 07:05

Recommend : 10


A CV's job is to bomb the enemy CV/BB , provide fighter cover for BBs on his/her's team and intercept scouts/bombers that tries to attack BBs.
Stop calling a CV noob or whining for sight unless the CV carries rookie pilots and doesn't use them at all.
Also , a rookie pilots are quite cheap so if you want one you can always check the trade system. 


  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 11:11


For me, send my fighters out to secure the air over/in front of the enemy line (kill a few scouts on the way) form a blockade of sorts against scouts, enemy fighters and any bombers. 

then load up some DB's and send them in to help take the SD off the enemy bb's (or sink one.) 

Of course it doesn't always happen to work out successfully, but if there is no sight, then sending bombers makes me shake my head. 

But cant say bombers are worthless because they've (helped) win the game more than once. 

And the highest level cv should go south

Oh and ideally, there should be AA ship support for our line.  If your squad of fighters are fighting over our lines you need to click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click until that fight is over the enemy line. 

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 14:02


Originally Posted by meangreen35

How many times have you lost a game due to zero help from a CV? I know 90% of the time. How many times has all 3 of your CVs went north and not a one go south to help? I know 50% of the time. Why becouse cvs have lost team play and only care about what damage they can do even at the cost of a loss.

This is very untrue. Please check your numbers before posting any statistical information on the forums. Some carriers are best used as Bomberwhores or Fighterwhores. Expect a USN or KM CV to give you fighter cover and vision and not from a UK or SN CV. 

As for blaming the CVs for the loss, one day a few weeks back durring the event I took out my fighterwhore CV in hopes of getting some credits and leveling my fighters. I was using level 85, Tier 3 fighters on a CV4. I played about 8 games (give or take) and in every same game I played I lost the battle. Literally I could see the enemy BBs tear apart my team because my team was too busy running from a submarine, AAing when he has vision and is in range of an enemy BB or simply typing "Vision cv" while there is vision. Well at least my team saw who killed them and this happened for 8 games or so in a row. I have not run a Fighterwhore set up since and I will not do so since the BBs have the ineptitude to actually try in a match since they only need hit the enemy once to exp from the Shared EXP pool.

Blaming a CV for his setup is the same as me blaming you for yours because you decided to run 2 more support sailors on your T-Slots rather than an armament sailor to help with aircraft/submarines and you not giving up those 2 knots for 255 bulge.  

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 04:08


played a couple waw's yesterday, and in almost every battle there were 3-4 100+ BB's without a scout... 

pityfull display when a flank is lost because none of the bb's carry a scout 

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 13:13


 any ship's job is to help the fleet win the battle with as little loss as possible.  it doesn't matter if you are a cv, bb, ss or ff. stop being selfish in shared exp rooms. if it requires giving light to bbs for whatever reason, do it. if it requires hitting aa ships at risk of taking a salvo from a larger ship, do it.  if it requires sitting underwater and giving sight of enemy bb line, do it.  there are no absolutes and battle rooms are dynamic. so, stop posting silly topic discussions about  if you do this you are gauranteed victory.  You do what you have to to help your team in a given stuaton, thus helping yourself.  sometimes cvs should bomb, sometimes scout, mnay times both, but this ridiculous title is insulting and childish. cvs bring your own guns, hh and sonar. sounds just as dumb.  try starting a thread that might have actual game tactics that players can use instead of all or nothing strategies that may or may not work in a given situation

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 14:50


You are wrong about 'CV are NOT for giving sight' . I know so many player thinking same as you. So they are so many times lose on any battle. If you want play with Dive bombers you can . If you want win with Dive bombers you must think that ' I MUST KILL ALL ENEM?ES' So Can you kill 10 BB & 3 CV with Dive bombers? Oh my mate you cant! So you need battleships for that. This game for team play. Battleships are good for attack to BB&CV's . BB's can sunk enemy battleships or CV in 1 minute. So 2 minutes 2-3 battleships or Carriers. But when cvs using only DB & enemy cv using only FT then battleships will blind.  So you can use Dive bombers or Torbido bombers. But If you want dont hear 'NOOB' you must sight them.

The last think' CVs are FOR giving sight ' 

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 15:44


To get best vision you need both: scouts from bbs and fighter/bomber circling over enemy bbs. Playing a mid eighties essex i can tell you, that its not every time possible to give vision to your bbs. Depends also on enemy cvs and their fighters. If they are higher in lvl they just win and you can send new ones in. But in time until arrival enemy fighters will clear the skies from your scouts and you are blind. You have to live with that. Against superior cvs its hard to give vision to your team.

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 17:46


OH my is this thread serious?

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 19:43


Originally Posted by oneechan666

I love situations like this: 4-6 enemy fighters above BB preventing it from sending scout and CV behind this BB starting DB/TB's (BB can't see nothing and those DB/TB's die in a few seconds) ... or other: friendly CV making circles with FTR/DB/TB above BB which is far away from the front line ("For what ?" I ask) ... bombing DD's is also cool way of wasting time ... seeing CVs sending wave after wave of bombers which are eaten by enemy AA or enemy FTR wonders whether some people have brains ? If CVs are not for helping BBs to see the map so what they are for ? Coalition of whiners start doing the TEAM PLAY - not selfish bombing / stealing dmg from BB/SS's ...

sounds like a story i have, where, before my second wave of fighters is released, my team already lost 3 bbs. so i send both waves across, shooting down 4-6 scouts and ddragging their fighters back to their front liines. as my planes get there, i run into an emden, that is siting waaaaay out in the front line, waay to close to the action. the enemy is blind, my bbs pull back because theyve already had their hull cracked. now, instead of shooting this emden while pulling back, the bbs look at the enemy, waiting to see if any bb will magically go 80 knots as it rushes in to finish them off................

now here comes the fun part. 3 minutes into battle, with several bbs lost, most of the others cracked in half,i finally release squad 7-8. my dbs, to attempt what will be most likely my only real chance of getting any damage off before im running away from the inevitable onslaught. now, as im setting my manual coords for a bombing site, this said emden starts shooting my planes while im busy coordinating the EIGHT squads around.

now im getting cvalled a noob because their is no vision by a bb with no scouts, no hh, no aa, no smoke, no backup behind him,who charges the beginning of the match,gets shot up all to hell, and only runs away the entire match waiting to be shot. and you guys are sitting around wondering why dont cvs support anymore? excuse me, but controlling 8 different squads takes up alot more attention  then controlling one ship.

  in a bb: hey look a bb is turning towards me, i better turn back some and fire as i do it.

 in a cv: ok, squad 1 south south, squad 2 south mid, sqaud 3 mid mid.squad 4-5-6 load, swuad 2, stop chasing scout, ok good u got him, wait wait , squad 3 fall back to squad 1 and 2 for reenforcements *mayday maday im hit im hit* oo shit, squad 4 5 6 come out,squad 2 look for that bb6, squad 7-8 load up, squad one drag those fighters to the enemy aa, squad 4, cover our south bbs, squad 5, 6 go help north cus theyre blind as all hell, oo wait, squad 1 2 just ran out of fuel............ squad 5 come back to the bb6 squad 2 was at, squad 6 good luck buddy, ur on your own. squad 7-8 come out, squad 4 5 go back to provide fighter support for safe bomber clearance.

cvs push a shit load more buttons per minute then any one else, except maybe spacekey junkies (AA) and the fact your trying to make it sound like yo know what ur talking about, but think about what you said, " seeing CVs sending wave after wave of bombers which are eaten by enemy AA"

why are you, as the BB, the one that HAS TO HAVE THAT VISION allowing this said AA to shoot down WAVE AFTER WAVE. and yet you sit here and complain. we can all get beter and improve our skills in the game, but pointing fingers and calling names wont get it done. and if you guys are truly that disatisfied with the cvs and what theyre doing, by all means, show us how its done.


  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 19:48


Sight is a pure combination.


Take KM planes at level 100 as example, A scout got 1600 sight range while a fighter gives only 800. To get vision, scouts are better than FTs, DBs, TBs.

A CV player, take a FW as example (this is what I usually do, although not doing great).

FT teams have different job, 1st and most important in my mind, protect the scouts from own team's BBs. No matter what level the scout is, try to get a FT team over a friendly scout will ensure vison for a long time.

2nd job, take out enemy scouts, some scouts are fast, and have good range which is mostly out of the range of a PCA/CA/CL AA ship (btw, i hate to see BBs busying AA while not shooting an enemy, a BB got 8-10 seconds reload time, that is the time gap to AA/ASW, but BBs should always try to engage enemy first, leave AA/ASW to the support ships)

3rd job, intercept enemy DBs/ TBs whenever it is possible.


Before you speak out and yell 'NOOB' to a CV, take a look at the whole picture first, as mentioned, a Tier 4 USN/KM FTs can wipe off teams of Tier 2/3 FTs from other nations in seconds(And another thing I hate, every CV player ONCE were low level, they have low level crew, which they cannot do anything but play to level them up). While EACH Tier 3 FT need about 8-10 seconds to load up. And even as big as a CV5 (Europa from KM as an example), a FW can hold only 96 planes, when fighting to a more superior USN/KM/IJN fighters, they just got hit and fall down like flies.

I have seen many times. I cleared the whole North with my CV while my teammate clear the south. The north BBs just rushed blindly and be dead, and they have sight while mostly enemy do not.

To get sight, treasure your scout, do not just load and launch.

Avoid enemy FTs, change attitude to avoid enemy AA fire. (As an AA ship, I once shot down over 10 enemy scouts in the 1st minute, just because the enemy leave the scout unattended.) If a scout can last until it is bingo on fuel, you have more vision than  need.

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 13. 2014 20:26


just make it where people with the same fleet tag are more likely to be on the same side.

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