HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    01. 12. 2014 07:05

Recommend : 10


A CV's job is to bomb the enemy CV/BB , provide fighter cover for BBs on his/her's team and intercept scouts/bombers that tries to attack BBs.
Stop calling a CV noob or whining for sight unless the CV carries rookie pilots and doesn't use them at all.
Also , a rookie pilots are quite cheap so if you want one you can always check the trade system. 


  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    07. 09. 2014 21:50


Krazy if your top priority in playing a cv is to scout,and you don't even chase bonbers down. Why not put some scout pilots on your cv, and use them for scouting, so you can use your ftrs to chase them bombers down, and achive air superiority.  Scouts have way better vesion, can even scout from out side aa fire, not to mention they have 3 times the fuel.
I beleave scouts are best for scouting, db are best for bombing, tb best for torping,, and ftrs are best for killing. 

  • Re : Bring your own scout , CV are NOT for giving sight.

    07. 13. 2014 23:09


Noob cvs, as usual you will encounter that  when you played CV. Be it, if cvs are useless then why waiting for 6 cvs to filled up the room to start the game? well BB's players who usually blamed a cvs, are the real noobs. A blind for a few seconds, cvs was blamed but if it is a win, only fews recognized the cvs, why? because BB's Players considered it they did it. We can't pleased everybody...... so be it.....

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