HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Fighter CV guide.

    04. 20. 2013 05:10

Recommend : 11


Table of Contents:


Introduction: Alpha


Commandments: Bravo


Dragging: Charlie


Playstyles: Delta


Grouping: Echo


Disclaimer: Foxtrot


Thanks: Golf





So you have chosen the role of a CV. Congratulations and welcome to the ever watchful brotherhood. A CV is a frightening thing if its role is played well, however, it can also be a weakest point in an enemy team. In this guide, I hope to explain a lot about fighters, from the basics to some advanced stuff. Fighters can gain lots of credits, steady experience, and rage quits from Bomber CVs, as well as a higher win/loss ratio. 






So first I would like to start us off with what I like to call "l0tterys Commandments of CV play". These don't only apply to fighter heavy CV play, but CV in general.


I: Never fight a fair fight.


Go for enemies you know you can take out. You do your team little good by fighting a much stronger foe. If you feel that an opponent is too much to handle, get a bigger CV to switch sides. If there isn't a single large CV, then gang up on your enemy. Just don't leave an open gap in the skies. 


II: Scan the battle field. Often. 


With either bombers or fighters, it's important to know what you're going up against. Use your idle time to your advantage. While waiting for your first wave to load, scan the map, not just your hempisphere. Look for targets for bombing. For fighters look for incoming planes, what type, how many, and from what direction. You can buy your team an early advantage by wiping out scouts and bombers, or taking out pesky AA ships. Don't get caught focusing on one ship or plane and being sunk by bombers in the first minute.


III: Be fluid, adaptable, and un-predictable. 


Every battle is a unique situation. Sometimes it is best to blind an opponent, other times it is best to scout. Use your judgment and intuition to guide you. Reacting quicker to changes is the key to owning the sky. Make sure you react faster then an opponent. 


IV: Micromanage Micromanage Micromanage.


One flight of active planes is 100 times better then 6 passive groups. Control your planes at all times. Be aggressive with your planes. I am the first to say CV planes shouldn't be used for scouting, but they should be bold and decisive. Place fighters close to enemy lines, but out of AA range. Control bombers over enemy territory at all times.


V: NEVER Circle of Death. 


Your planes are a waste of time, fuel, credits, and experience if they lock into a Circle of Death. Your fighters that Circle of Death over your lines are also likely to get shot down by friendly AA fire. 


So, now that we have the basics, lets move on to some advanced fighter stuff. As a CV, I started multi-role. Once I hit CV5, I noticed that most of my exp came from plane kills. (I was a terrible bomber =( ) So I moved onto a fighter heavy. Over the years I've developed some nasty tips and tricks that are sure to crush your enemy, as long as your fighters have the guts (and the vets).






First off is dragging. A CV that doesn't know how to drag is like a BB that can't sling shot, or an SS without an engineer. You can do your job, it's just a hell of a lot harder to do without. Dragging is done by spam right clicking with your fighters selected. This is like an "over-ride" command for your planes, and constantly pulls your planes to the location. Enemy fighters that aren't being dragged "lock on" to a single plane in your group and will follow that plane. There is a small bug/glitch where dragged fighters can engage enemy planes that are behind yours so in effect you are performing a running maneuver as if you were in a BB. Your fighters have the "range" on enemy fighters and can hit them. Enemy fighters do not and are wiped out. There are 4 main types of dragging that I use. 


1) Spam. 


This is the basic form of dragging. Right click till your finger bleeds or falls off. Best used on slower, more durable enemy planes, scouts, bombers or non-micro'd fighters. 


2) Catch and release.


You spam right click, then release. On the release, your fighters turn back and destroy the enemy fighters. Think of it as counter rushing an enemy BB. Best used against planes that are as fast as yours, or a bit faster. Works well with bombers and scouts as well. 


3) The weave. (thanks to Noober_Noob for telling me about this one.)


This is where you send your fighters into an "S" like sidewinder pattern. By performing this, you constantly move in and out of range of your enemy planes, never giving them the chance to retaliate, and allows a second group of fighters to engage and destroy your enemy. Works best on faster planes, as long as yours have more durability, or multiple fighter groups. 


4) Stationary. This is akin to hovering, but instead of letting your planes circle of death, you spam right underneath them. This allows you to effectively drag without being ran down by a faster, more heavily armed opponent. Best used with slower, more durable planes against faster ones. 


Although I've laid out some basics here don't be afraid to try different styles. What nation you are can affect your dragging style as well. Different nations planes have different stats, advantages and disadvantages, so this effects their play style, so to speak. There are three main play styles.






1) Runner. 


High speed, high offensive power. Lower durability. IJN is the primary nation that uses this style. Can be defeated using the "stationary" dragging method. 


2) Toe-to-toe.


Low speed, average offense, high durability. KM is the primary nation that uses this style. Can be defeated using catch and release, drag spam, and weaving styles. However, if you are caught in an engagement you are probably going down. 



  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 15. 2013 07:04


Originally Posted by Mouth
CVs are pay to win, and have been since the pilot ability caps were raised/removed.

Most of my early stuff was only 109 vets or so and +11's. Think Bongs US stuff was similar (admittedly my current UK stuff is EBVE), everything else I have is +12 and BVE (and they were done through events, so no pay2win). You can claim pay2win all you wish, however I've yet to see something in the store like 'Skill = 100 olives' or 'Common sense = 50 olives'...

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 15. 2013 07:23

Originally Posted by Ewood

Originally Posted by Mouth
CVs are pay to win, and have been since the pilot ability caps were raised/removed.

Most of my early stuff was only 109 vets or so and +11's. Think Bongs US stuff was similar (admittedly my current UK stuff is EBVE), everything else I have is +12 and BVE (and they were done through events, so no pay2win). You can claim pay2win all you wish, however I've yet to see something in the store like 'Skill = 100 olives' or 'Common sense = 50 olives'...

I'm not going to argue that $>skill. I agree that skill matters more, it's why I am successful with the +12 UK CV crew I have with less than 200 vets. My 210 vet elite KM fighters on the other hand are leaps and bounds better than my uk crew though. If skill is equal though, money (more vets and better pilots) is the difference maker. If you and I have the same skill and the same level pilots, if you have elite, max vet pilots, and I have +12 109 vet pilots, then you will win every time. Believe me when I say that I understand that proper CV play requires a lot of skill, but in that top tier of CV players (I consider myself in that group) it comes down to who has the better pilots aka who has spent the most time and/or money on their pilots.

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 16. 2013 21:01


Originally Posted by Mouth
Originally Posted by Ewood

Originally Posted by Mouth
CVs are pay to win, and have been since the pilot ability caps were raised/removed.

Most of my early stuff was only 109 vets or so and +11's. Think Bongs US stuff was similar (admittedly my current UK stuff is EBVE), everything else I have is +12 and BVE (and they were done through events, so no pay2win). You can claim pay2win all you wish, however I've yet to see something in the store like 'Skill = 100 olives' or 'Common sense = 50 olives'...

I'm not going to argue that $>skill. I agree that skill matters more, it's why I am successful with the +12 UK CV crew I have with less than 200 vets. My 210 vet elite KM fighters on the other hand are leaps and bounds better than my uk crew though. If skill is equal though, money (more vets and better pilots) is the difference maker. If you and I have the same skill and the same level pilots, if you have elite, max vet pilots, and I have +12 109 vet pilots, then you will win every time. Believe me when I say that I understand that proper CV play requires a lot of skill, but in that top tier of CV players (I consider myself in that group) it comes down to who has the better pilots aka who has spent the most time and/or money on their pilots.


So you are saying that i'm a pushover?

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 17. 2013 04:13

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Originally Posted by Mouth
Originally Posted by Ewood

Originally Posted by Mouth
CVs are pay to win, and have been since the pilot ability caps were raised/removed.

Most of my early stuff was only 109 vets or so and +11's. Think Bongs US stuff was similar (admittedly my current UK stuff is EBVE), everything else I have is +12 and BVE (and they were done through events, so no pay2win). You can claim pay2win all you wish, however I've yet to see something in the store like 'Skill = 100 olives' or 'Common sense = 50 olives'...

I'm not going to argue that $>skill. I agree that skill matters more, it's why I am successful with the +12 UK CV crew I have with less than 200 vets. My 210 vet elite KM fighters on the other hand are leaps and bounds better than my uk crew though. If skill is equal though, money (more vets and better pilots) is the difference maker. If you and I have the same skill and the same level pilots, if you have elite, max vet pilots, and I have +12 109 vet pilots, then you will win every time. Believe me when I say that I understand that proper CV play requires a lot of skill, but in that top tier of CV players (I consider myself in that group) it comes down to who has the better pilots aka who has spent the most time and/or money on their pilots.


So you are saying that i'm a pushover?

When did I ever say that?

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 17. 2013 04:32


Originally Posted by Mouth
Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Originally Posted by Mouth
Originally Posted by Ewood

Originally Posted by Mouth
CVs are pay to win, and have been since the pilot ability caps were raised/removed.

Most of my early stuff was only 109 vets or so and +11's. Think Bongs US stuff was similar (admittedly my current UK stuff is EBVE), everything else I have is +12 and BVE (and they were done through events, so no pay2win). You can claim pay2win all you wish, however I've yet to see something in the store like 'Skill = 100 olives' or 'Common sense = 50 olives'...

I'm not going to argue that $>skill. I agree that skill matters more, it's why I am successful with the +12 UK CV crew I have with less than 200 vets. My 210 vet elite KM fighters on the other hand are leaps and bounds better than my uk crew though. If skill is equal though, money (more vets and better pilots) is the difference maker. If you and I have the same skill and the same level pilots, if you have elite, max vet pilots, and I have +12 109 vet pilots, then you will win every time. Believe me when I say that I understand that proper CV play requires a lot of skill, but in that top tier of CV players (I consider myself in that group) it comes down to who has the better pilots aka who has spent the most time and/or money on their pilots.


So you are saying that i'm a pushover?

When did I ever say that?

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 17. 2013 04:59

Originally Posted by OjamaPeter

Originally Posted by Mouth
Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Originally Posted by Mouth
Originally Posted by Ewood

Most of my early stuff was only 109 vets or so and +11's. Think Bongs US stuff was similar (admittedly my current UK stuff is EBVE), everything else I have is +12 and BVE (and they were done through events, so no pay2win). You can claim pay2win all you wish, however I've yet to see something in the store like 'Skill = 100 olives' or 'Common sense = 50 olives'...

I'm not going to argue that $>skill. I agree that skill matters more, it's why I am successful with the +12 UK CV crew I have with less than 200 vets. My 210 vet elite KM fighters on the other hand are leaps and bounds better than my uk crew though. If skill is equal though, money (more vets and better pilots) is the difference maker. If you and I have the same skill and the same level pilots, if you have elite, max vet pilots, and I have +12 109 vet pilots, then you will win every time. Believe me when I say that I understand that proper CV play requires a lot of skill, but in that top tier of CV players (I consider myself in that group) it comes down to who has the better pilots aka who has spent the most time and/or money on their pilots.


So you are saying that i'm a pushover?

When did I ever say that?

I'm not exactly sure how that translates to me saying he is a pushover now. I will say that if he has +10, 109 vet pilots right now, my km fighters will munch on his. It's not a skill thing, it's a numbers thing. I never said anything about his skill level, and it is quite possible to be a good CV player with sub-par pilots. I still maintain that if skill is equal then it comes down to who has better pilots. You need to understand that CV play isn't as cut and dry as bb play. It's not about how many planes you shoot down, it's about keeping vision and blinding the enemy. I've played near flawless CV games and still got a loss.

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 17. 2013 10:42


Originally Posted by Mouth

I'm not exactly sure how that translates to me saying he is a pushover now. I will say that if he has +10, 109 vet pilots right now, my km fighters will munch on his. It's not a skill thing, it's a numbers thing. I never said anything about his skill level, and it is quite possible to be a good CV player with sub-par pilots. I still maintain that if skill is equal then it comes down to who has better pilots. You need to understand that CV play isn't as cut and dry as bb play. It's not about how many planes you shoot down, it's about keeping vision and blinding the enemy. I've played near flawless CV games and still got a loss.



  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 17. 2013 12:28

Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Originally Posted by Mouth

I'm not exactly sure how that translates to me saying he is a pushover now. I will say that if he has +10, 109 vet pilots right now, my km fighters will munch on his. It's not a skill thing, it's a numbers thing. I never said anything about his skill level, and it is quite possible to be a good CV player with sub-par pilots. I still maintain that if skill is equal then it comes down to who has better pilots. You need to understand that CV play isn't as cut and dry as bb play. It's not about how many planes you shoot down, it's about keeping vision and blinding the enemy. I've played near flawless CV games and still got a loss.



Well if I ever see you in game (I'm pretty sure you don't play) we can settle this. I doubt you'd ever take me up on that though, but if you want to show me what I'm doing wrong, feel free.

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 18. 2013 04:21


Originally Posted by Mouth
Originally Posted by Ewood

Originally Posted by Mouth
CVs are pay to win, and have been since the pilot ability caps were raised/removed.

Most of my early stuff was only 109 vets or so and +11's. Think Bongs US stuff was similar (admittedly my current UK stuff is EBVE), everything else I have is +12 and BVE (and they were done through events, so no pay2win). You can claim pay2win all you wish, however I've yet to see something in the store like 'Skill = 100 olives' or 'Common sense = 50 olives'...

I'm not going to argue that $>skill. I agree that skill matters more, it's why I am successful with the +12 UK CV crew I have with less than 200 vets. My 210 vet elite KM fighters on the other hand are leaps and bounds better than my uk crew though. If skill is equal though, money (more vets and better pilots) is the difference maker. If you and I have the same skill and the same level pilots, if you have elite, max vet pilots, and I have +12 109 vet pilots, then you will win every time. Believe me when I say that I understand that proper CV play requires a lot of skill, but in that top tier of CV players (I consider myself in that group) it comes down to who has the better pilots aka who has spent the most time and/or money on their pilots.

Whatever you did with those UK, you should put it in a guide. Your UK makes me pull my hair out. On classing fighters, in my opinon of course. Delay classing increases their POTENTIAL of being better. However it requries huge amounts of money to see the differences. This may not be accesible for the average player, who would be the main readers of this guide. So yes, delay classing is better IF you intend on spending big. Classed on time fighters with 100+ vets will still do the job. They just take more management, which I am trying to promote with this guide, instead of the mindless planetrain style I see most fighter heavy CV's doing.

  • Re : Fighter CV guide.

    05. 18. 2013 05:58


this is fun to read...

keep on trying to get better but your commandments I "never fight a fair fight" is sooo wrong.

  •  1st you dont get better
  •  2nd you let the enemy cv have an easy job
  •  3rd ganging up doesnt help your team and will mean only more food for the enemy on a small area.
  • 4th only mircromanagement kills a better cv. you can kill 120 t4s with lvl 75 t3s any nation.


cv play is about management, overview and a bit as well about vets. it is not pay 2 win. someone who pays for cv stuff is stupid. you get all for free from all the events.


it is a good starter cv guide though lottery.


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