HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Cv-guide

    12. 05. 2014 20:46

Recommend : 0


Hi guys,

To me it seems weird that there is no general guide stickied here as how to play Aircraft carriers in general and regarding all kinds of textual harrasments ingame I wonder, why not?! :P

So maybe there is an old topic that we can recover, or put some effort in it with several people?


Flagellant provided us with a thread from the old forums. It encorporates control mechanisms for your pilots, fight, fly and bombing tactics.

By understanding basic mechanis of planes and using your aircraft carrier in general it is time to adapt this knowledge to a form that suits you best. It is time to pick yourself a nation.

Each nation has its own stats, sailor types and different sets of planes.
I will add more of this shortly.



  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 08. 2015 23:15


Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

You guys think I am WRONG about sending locals on long range missions without auto-return for low fuel?

For 1st Time CV1 Players like me back in 2013...yes.

For High-Level CV Players like

Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

That is strictly a personal decision I make for the following reasons:

1) Locals are fast and can intercept bombers, scouts, and low-level fighters with good success.  T1s and T2s are slow and mostly ineffective against anything other scouts and low level fighters or bombers.  I've had T2s chase bombers from their launch to their target and back to their CV before they could shoot any of them down.  They're slow.

Again...You shifted (clairfied) your statements for your "General Rules" Posting; and, in your "Points" Posting.

?I thought T1 Fighters (Locals) were "totally useless", according to your Postings?


2) Locals, If used in small formations (2-3 planes), are very effective.


I think you have forgotten what its like playing as a CV1 Player with Low-Level Sailors just attaining Fighter Status & CV Operator Status.

As a CV1 Player, I couldn't launch more the 4 Planes Per Pilot at a time.

That was bacause...
(1) the CV wouldn't allow me to
or (2) in order to maintain a batch of Fighters or TBs or DBs in the air, and a batch for preparing to launch; and, continue having a consistent Flight Force from squadron to Squadron, I had to Ration my Pilots Per Sailor down to 4.

Also, in my Experience 4 TBs were sufficient to provide a decent Attack Damage; while, allowing for losses to Enemy Fighter Attacks; and, to have some TBs return for another TB Attack Run.

If you are playing with a Fighter Whore CV1; then, I can see your Startegy as being the only functional Strategy for the CV1 Player; or even, a CV5 Player playing with Tier-1 Fighters.

I am not a High-Level CV Player; but, based on my Navy Field Gameplay Experience, I assume that T6 Fighters are heavier than T1 Fighters; thus, a CV6 Player can Load up more T1 Fighters than T6 Fighters on a CV6.

A Beginner CV1 Player has no Airplane Type Options; except, for T1 Scout and/or T1 Fighter and/or T1 TB and/or T1 DB.

This is my main contention with your Postings within this Topic Thread.

Originally Posted by Ultra-Dog

3) A GB1 game (NOT HA) is only 12-15 minutes long, that is just enough time to launch every fighter on a CV1 or CV2 without auto-return and still last the length of the game if managed properly.

A 1st Time CV1 Player isn't gonna have the Skill; and, won't have the Sailors with the appropriate Attribute Levels, for such "proper management".

Originally Posted by Ultra-Dog

4) You can always return your planes to the CV if you are worried about losing too many of them.

5) Vision for the BBs is an absolutely critical element in victory, that means expending locals to scout for as long as they can.  That allows for BBs to hit their targets, for bombers to identify targets, and to intecept scouts while they are being launched.  A BB can't launch a scout when his ship is being fighter camped.  They need your help.

I have no argument with you concerning the CV Player providing Sight for one's Team BBs.

Again...Your Strategy is purely Fighter Whore CV Strategy; which, won't work with a Low-Level CV Player who has Scouts and/or Fighters and/or TBs & DBs.

The CV Player needs to learn how to "pace" their Scouting Aircraft (Scouts Proper of Fighters Double-Dutying as Scouts).

Fighters that are Double-Dutying as Scouts need to be Micro-Managed to prevent the Fighters from running off their Scouting Area to chase down Enemy Aircraft.

Scout Planes need to be managed so that, they maintain Vision of Enemy Ships; yet, be out of range of Enemy Ship AA Flak.

Scouts have double the Vision Range of Fighters; thus, Scouts can evade Enemy Ship AA Flak while Fighters Double-Dutying as Scouts will be under Enemy Ship AA Flak.

I only assign 1 Scout per Pilot.

If Scouts are under attack, I either send in Fighter Support; or, use Fighters as Double-Duty Scouts.

"Pacing", which I mentioned earlier, refers to being aware of your Aircraft Flight Duration.

Before an Airplane Drops Out Of The Sky due to Running Out Of Fuel, send in a Relief Airplane. Thus, when the Low Fuel Airplane decides to Reutrn to the Mother Ship, the Relief Airplane is providing Vision; thus, you maintain Continuous Vision on the Enemy Ships.

Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

6) Ending the game with a dozen locals still on board your CV means you didn't deploy them and use them as effectively as possible.

You are talking like a BB Player.

Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

You can have your opinion about auto-return...but it isn't WRONG to NOT to use Auto-return.  That's an option you can use if you want, or not.  I think CV players who auto-return their Locals are weak and ineffective in their duties to provide protection and coverage..but that's MY opinion.   While your locals were returning to their ship, I was loading fighters, by the time you could launch more planes, mine were halfway to their targets.

Now...I know that you are a BB Player; and, not a CV Player.

Then again...It is true that a High-Level CV Player can Load Airplanes faster than a Low-Level CV Player.

It is also true that a High-Level CV Player can mount more Pilot Sailors onto their CVs than a Low-Level CV Player.

Thus, a CV1 Player versus a CV6 Player with both Loading & Launching 4 Planes per Pilot at the same time, the CV6 Player will have more Airplanes in the air than the CV1 Player.

That doesn't mean the CV1 Player isn't properly managing one's Aircraft or CV.

It means that the CV1 Player will never be competivitie against a CV6 Player in a 1v1 Scenario.


IF you want to discount everything I said because I also said you might consider using auto-return (a personal decision), then you can call me a hypocrit. I don't use auto-return for any of my planes because I believe scouting is an essential winning element to the gameplay.  It is a lot easier to just let them run out of gas and reload, then wait until they meander back to my CV so I can load more.  Time is of the essence.  Fighters ensure air superiority, not bombers and scouts.  Maintaining air superiority, even if it means a few planes dropping out of the sky is the cost of winning.  Using AUTO-RETURN means your effective radius of support is nothing more than the area around your local BBs, a very small area.  And since your Locals are now assigned to a small area and you return them for refueling, I will bring my Fighters

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 08. 2015 23:20


Originally Posted by EricIdle

Originally Posted by Quenirland
My information is no more wrong that Ultra_Dog telling CV1 Players that they need to Kamikazi their Fighter Planes in his General Rules Posting.

That is a very very feeble justification for letting stand your incorrect assertions.

I'd rather say what you and Ultra_Dog have written calls for a forum mod to bin this thread.

Quenirland, you'd do well to read this, and thoroughly:

Especially the sailor guide.

(even though this was compiled before the big cv patch of 2009 - so for fighters, since then only fighter stat has been active, and for bombers, only bomber stat. Secondly, any sailor's AAW stat has never been activated, so disregard that. Lastly, the engine stat is only active for engineer-classed sailors, no others)

?You have to Post a Non-Navy Field Website Address for your Talking Point; instead of, actually axplaining the facts?

At least, I have tried explaining the facts; even if, I am wrong about the facts.

So got nothing.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 08. 2015 23:49


Originally Posted by KingCong

Your terminology is not conventional but understandable. Your conceptions are still wrong.

 1. Abilities are not averaged among pilots. A squad of planes launched by pilots with no experts and vets will perform worse than a wave launched by one that has many experts and vets.

Rookies & Experts & Veterans (I errored with "Rookies & Veterans & Elites" in my earlier Posting) are a product of the POTENTIAL Attribute and Sailor Leveling Mechanics.

Thus, it is better to have Sailors with 13+ POTENTIAL than with Sailors with 11- POTENTIAL.

POTENTIAL has no Gameplay Mechanics while the CV Player is controlling one's Pilots in a Great Battle.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

"100 Rookies + 0 Experts + 0 Veterans" Sailor is worse than "70 Rookies + 20 Experts + 10 Veterans" Sailor...of course...thas a no-brainer if one looks at the Game System Mechanics...Which I did before I started playing those many years ago.

I wasn't using my Sailor Items then; because, I didn't want to waste my precious Sailor Items on Sailors that I would eventually abandon; because, they were weak Sailors.


2. Each pilot type only checks his corresponding ability to determine how well he performs.
Aircraft affects a scout's attack and defense
Fighter affects a fighter's attack and defense 
Bomber affects a bomber's attack and defense
All other abilities are ignored (including potential). They also do not contribute to anything else in the ship including potential, engine, gun accuracy, etc.The only universal abilities are repair and restore which are relevant on all sailors. 


?So only the REPAIR and RESTORE Attributes are applicable to the Average & Ratio Mathematics (which is wrong terminology) mentioned in my CV Guide Posting?

okay...thanks for explaining it...instead's a [website address] that explains everything.

This Topic Thread is about making a CV Guide.

Originally Posted by KingKong

A man like your, quenirland, probably understands the scientific method. Humor yourself with an experiment. To prove I'm not having diarrhea at the mouth, put one gunner on a ship, fire and time the reload. Then put 6 more gunners on board and time the reload. Then repeat the process several times, average, ignore human error , and tell me what you find.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 09. 2015 00:03


Originally Posted by Quenirland

Originally Posted by EricIdle
That is a very very feeble justification for letting stand your incorrect assertions.

I'd rather say what you and Ultra_Dog have written calls for a forum mod to bin this thread.

Quenirland, you'd do well to read this, and thoroughly:

Especially the sailor guide.

(even though this was compiled before the big cv patch of 2009 - so for fighters, since then only fighter stat has been active, and for bombers, only bomber stat. Secondly, any sailor's AAW stat has never been activated, so disregard that. Lastly, the engine stat is only active for engineer-classed sailors, no others)

?You have to Post a Non-Navy Field Website Address for your Talking Point; instead of, actually axplaining the facts?

At least, I have tried explaining the facts; even if, I am wrong about the facts.

So got nothing.

Oh stop being silly, Quenirland.

Everybody apart from yourself knows that the site has quite exhaustive material on this game. figures in the guides that normpearii compiled in the "helpful links" section of "general discussion". There is no use explaining things that are already very clearly pointed out.

Seriously, you should write less and read more.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 09. 2015 12:21


This sentence might the problem:


"..?I thought T1 Fighters (Locals) were "totally useless", according to your Postings?"


When we refer to T1s and Locals we mean two different airplanes.  Both are available for all nations at Fighter level 40.  T1s are the original, slow fighters, long range.  Locals are the very fast, short range fighters that have real cool shapes and designs.  They were released a few years back. You can think of both of them as T1s, but the term "Locals" is very specific about what plane that is.  Then, we have T2s thru T5s. 

When I refer to T1 Fighters as being "totally useless", that means the original fighters - Not Locals.  Totally useless as far as being able to shoot anything other than a low level scout or even worse fighter somehow. Obsolete might be a more appropriate term.  Newer, faster, better fighters have outclassed them and even bombers can take what they can dish out and still deliver bombs on target.  Locals can intercept bombers, shoot them down and do battle effectively against higher level fighters...until they run out of gas.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 09. 2015 15:34


Originally Posted by Ultra_Dog

This sentence might the problem:


"..?I thought T1 Fighters (Locals) were "totally useless", according to your Postings?"


When we refer to T1s and Locals we mean two different airplanes.  Both are available for all nations at Fighter level 40.  T1s are the original, slow fighters, long range.  Locals are the very fast, short range fighters that have real cool shapes and designs.  They were released a few years back. You can think of both of them as T1s, but the term "Locals" is very specific about what plane that is.  Then, we have T2s thru T5s. 

When I refer to T1 Fighters as being "totally useless", that means the original fighters - Not Locals.  Totally useless as far as being able to shoot anything other than a low level scout or even worse fighter somehow. Obsolete might be a more appropriate term.  Newer, faster, better fighters have outclassed them and even bombers can take what they can dish out and still deliver bombs on target.  Locals can intercept bombers, shoot them down and do battle effectively against higher level fighters...until they run out of gas.

?Was Locals added after 2013?

Back in 2013, when I had T2 Fighter Pilots, my IJN Fighter Pilot had access to a "Jet Fighter" Design that was 2*T1 Weight + 2*T1 Firepower + 2*T1 Speed + 1/2*T1 Flight Endurance. It wasn't of much use except as my Carrier Defender.

?Was that a Local?

It would be nice if I could load 2 Fighter Types onto my CVs.

Locals for CV Defense; and, Standard Fighters for Long Range Missions.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 09. 2015 17:16


When I first started as a CV1 Player back in 2013, I was averaging 4 Torpedo Runs a game.

That is, until I was camped by a High-Level CV Fghter Whore.

I was easy to Camp because I always started from the Same Location in the Starting Area.

Initially, my Torpedo Attack Runs were always failures; because, I was new to the Control System.

By the time I was CV3, I had mastered the Control System; but, I was victimized by Computer Freezes.

Thus, there were alot of times when I could have done Serious Damage to BBs, or Sunk BBs, was prevented by "Out-Of-the-Blue" Computer Freezes.

When using TBs, I have the Auto-Return System Inactive.

When the Auto-Return System is Active, the TBs will Return To Mother Ship during their Torpedo Drops if they are Low On Fuel; thus, causing the Torpedoes to be dropped away from the Target Ship.

I generally have the TBs target an area near my Desired Target Ship; so, that I can do other CV Management Activities like maneuvering my CV during Emergency Situations.

When I am satisfied with the TBs Position in relation to my Target Ship; and, have a good idea of my Target Ship's Trajecroy; then, I do a TB Attack on the Target Ship.

I haven't done alot of DBing. I prefer doing TB Attacks.

Also, DB1 Pilots are like 10+ Levels Higher than TB1 Pilots.

Because I was being Camped by High-Level CV Fighter Whore Players, I altered my Aircraft Loadouts alot.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 09. 2015 17:36



If you are concerned about having Fighters on your CV at during the End Of Game; then, maybe you should replace 1 Fighter Pilot with 1 TB Pilot; and, replace 1 Fighter Squadron for a TB Squadron.

You could still play as a Fighter Whore CV for the first 10 Minutes; then, when the Enemy Aircraft have been cleared from the skies, you could use your TBs for hunting down Enemy BBs.

If you are consistently wasting 6 to 12 Fighters in every game to avoid having Fighters on your CV at the End Of Game; then, you should replace at least 6 Fighters, but no more than 9 Fighters, for TBs.

Balance out the Fighter & TB Numbers by having no wasted Aircraft Load Space.

Then, have 2 Torpedo Loads per TB on your CV; because, your TBs won't be getting shotdown; unless, you are Kamikazing your TBs like you are your Fighters; then, 1 Torpedo Load per TB.

When I was playing as a CV1 Player, I found that 1.5 Torpedo Load per TB was more than enough; because, my TBs were getting shotdown early in the game.  However, there were some games in which I didn't lose any TBs; even though, I was doing TB Runs.

An alternative, is to add a Scout or 2, to your Aircraft Roster; and, replacing 1 Fighter Pilot for a Scout Pilot; but, that will kill your Fighter Whore capability. However, using Scouts at the End Of Game is better than sacrificing Fighters which can be cleaning up any Strangler Enemy Aircraft in the Battlefield.

The Scout, or Fighter Double-Duty Scout, would serve as a Beacon for your TBs; as well as, providing Vision for your Team's BB Players.

Scouts have a Flight Duration of 2*, or 3*, Fighters; thus, you could get up to 2 TB Attack Runs on Enemy BBs at the End Of Game (last 5 minutes) with only 1 TB Pilot + 4 TB Planes & 1 Scout Pilot + 1 Scout Plane.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 09. 2015 18:23


C V   T O R P E D O   B O M B E R   M I S S I O N S
It has been my observation that a 4 TB Squadron is the minimal size that the CV Player should create.

It has been my observation that a 6 TB Squadron is the maximal size that the CV Player should create.

However, due to Gameplay Mechanics, those Minimums & Maximums can't be followed.

I have seen In-Game BBs that can take 12 Torpedo Hits.

It is better to use 2 waves of 6 TBs (requiring 2 TB Pilots) than 1 wave of 12 TBs (requiring 1 TB Pilot) to sink a 12 Torpdo-Hit BB.

It is better to use 3 Waves of 4 TBs (requiring 3 TB Pilots) than 1 wave of 12 TBs (requiring 1 TB Pilot) to sink a 12 Torpdo-Hit BB.

in essence...
2 Waves of 4 TBs is better than 1 wave of 8 TBs - I may be wrong on this particular example
2 Waves of 5 TBs is better than 1 Wave of 10 TBs
2 Waves of 6 TBs is better trhan 1 Wave of 12 TBs

CV1s have 4 Pilot Slots
CV6s have 8 Pilot Slots

CVs need to use Pilot Slots for Fighters and/or Scouts.

Fighters are needed for Air Superiority Roles -- taking out Enemy Aircraft in the skies

Scouts are needed for Visual Sight of Enemy Ships and Enemy Aircraft
(watching Enemy Aircraft Movement could help determine the location of Enemy CVs)

The Auto-Return System is a blessing and a curse. BLESSING because your Aircraft will return when Low On Fuel; thus, reducing Aircraft Losses. CURSE because Auto-Return messes up Aircraft Mission Assignments.

Regardless of whether one uses Auto-Return or not, an Aircraft that is Returning To Mother Ship (Aircraft Low Of Fuel; or, TB or DB with an Empty Payload) can be monitored by the Enemy; thus, allowing the Enemy Players to calculation the location of your CV.

CV1 Player with T1 Aircraft don't have much room for Diversionary Flight Patterns to protect the location of the CV1 Ship.

  • Re : Cv-guide

    02. 10. 2015 01:50


Originally Posted by Quenirland

Rookies & Experts & Veterans (I errored with "Rookies & Veterans & Elites" in my earlier Posting) are a product of the POTENTIAL Attribute and Sailor Leveling Mechanics.

Thus, it is better to have Sailors with 13+ POTENTIAL than with Sailors with 11- POTENTIAL.

So wrong.  Don't take the term potential so literally.  It's just a wording that was used and has nothing to do with leveling or attributes.  It's the general ability that becomes used by sailors such as planesma, sonar, and Bridge officers.  If you can't get that through your thick head you might as well quit.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7