HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Borderhumping? Yes or No?

    10. 30. 2011 02:23

I'm actually not sure with this one, so I'm leaving you guys to answer this. I only need a YES or a NO though.

Are you borderhumping planes when your planes are approx. 1 inch away from the border? YES or NO?


  • Re : Borderhumping? Yes or No?

    12. 02. 2011 18:14

Maistral, nothing is black and white. There are rules barring borderhumping for HAs and FLs, but not so in normal games. Border-humping is frown upon by many in the community yet some are okay with it.

As Monarch replied earlier, it is SDE's responsibility to call for a strict enforcement against border-humpers in normal games and until they do that, you will probably continue seeing them around.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone seems to have input their 2 cents. I'll go ahead and lock this thread since it's going downhill.

(No PMs sent)

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