HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Premium Trade Hiatus

    02. 08. 2012 12:33


Hey guys,

I have a bit of unfortunate news to report.

It seems that our team has decided to place the Premium Trade system on an extended hiatus in order to work all the kinks out. If you've used the system then you are probably already aware  that  the speed at which trades are processed could use some improvements. This is an unfortunate aspect of having to rely on  a completly manual method. This has been an additional workload on our GMs, and while we've tried  to complete all pending trades as quickly as possible, it has been difficult to fully keep up with all the requests.

During the system's downtime we will not only work on finding a solution to the delays, but will be making additional tweaks and improvements. The Premium Trade system is scheduled to be disabled on Thursday, February 23rd and will be back online after we have been able to make necessary improvements.

We will accept listings until 00:00 PST on February 23rd. All listings posted until that date will be allowed to run their course.

I know this is a pain for you guys that have shown quite a bit of support for the system. I bet its a pain for our company as well since it brings in extra revenue, but I hope you can agree that its a necessary action since the improvements will provide a much better end-user experience as well as helping to lessen our GM's workloads so they may focus on additional tasks.

I'll keep checking in on the progress of the fixes and keep you guys up to date with details on when to expect the system's return.



  • Re : Premium Trade Hiatus

    04. 23. 2012 14:27


I loved all the magical alt accounts that popped up in the Premium trade system, that don't show up in the level rankings at all. 

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