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U.S Navy


  • Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    04. 18. 2007 16:54

I had a bit of spare time last night, so I decided to start a compilation of the ranges of
the USN AA guns.

A few notes:

1. Some of the pics are mirrored, since I was testing with broadsides on both port and
starboard. So for the pics where you see my tag and name on the wrong side, that's because
it was flipped.

2. All shots were made at the golden angles listed at Trainworld, and the pics show where
the shell terminates in air. This should NOT be confused with the actual range of the AA,
since the engagement envelope is behind where the shell terminates. Higher angles also
mean that the engagement envelope is smaller.

All pics in the next post to optimize thread loading.

*Destickied by TimmyC - LK's request.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    03. 13. 2011 22:17

Can this be locked so people would stop bumping it? The information is IIRC pre AA patch
so it is potentially misleading.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    03. 13. 2011 19:11

So what About Projector. it suck they loading so slowly! I hate projector!

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    03. 05. 2011 04:32

Well done. LK. bumped

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    02. 21. 2011 13:17

Don't bother bumping it. The damages are all outdated. The 5/38 dual guns do
more now, as do the 3/70 guns. Ranges are the same. But it reinforces the
common wisdom that the only guns worth bothering with are the 3/70 mk23 N's and
the 5/38 mk38 L's.

Anything else is still a novelty gun.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    02. 20. 2011 18:33


  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    02. 12. 2011 11:51

I do not believe so. This was done before the ONF patches.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    02. 12. 2011 06:28

AFAIK, yes.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    02. 11. 2011 07:33

are all these angles and ranges still correct?

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    02. 17. 2009 20:20

thanks for posting the angle's... i have a hard time finding them and keeping track.

  • Re : Range Report: USN AA Guns (Repost)

    07. 06. 2008 14:54

Yeah, but the 6" gun also get the range, i'm pretty sure that you have enough time to get
the incoming planes at least 2 salvos as they enter and exit the envelope. If you get
access to A type, you will be able to mount them on Pensyl 43 and higher tier with limited
ammo, however, you probably wont need much ammo to obliterate the sky.

Missing is no excuse, however, i've watch people gone frenzy with fast firing gun, not
only they confuse themselves and their team thus decrease the accuracy but also buy the
enemy time. Generally no plane can endure more than 2 block salvos of flak, the reason
they survive is that the planes are not being hit at all.
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