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U.S Navy


  • 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    01. 31. 2011 05:05

Knowing that I'll be expanding my "fleet" into several crews and wanting some flexibility,
I decided to level up some different classes. Yesterday, while bringing a plain ole sailor
up to L20 to become a 2nd Class Sailor, I was unhappily surprised to find that when I
classed him (from regular sailor to 2nd class) all his stats fell to around where he was a
L1. Is this a glitch? Is there a purpose behind having these 2nd, 1st, and petty officer

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 22. 2011 16:14

No Mako, I usually sit back and watch where the friendly subs are heading. When the sub
duals are happening and they are circling around the middle f the map I let them go. No
point in going out there and letting the BB1s with no other targets blast away! I'm saying
more for if the enemy SS gets past your own. Now you are in the gray area where they are
fair game. Once I get committed to a DC run, I'm stuck. I have the angle where they can't
hit me. If I break off one way or another, I'll end up in front of the tubes!

I like to come at the enemy SS so I'm making a perfect "x". I start dropping on one side
an then some more on the other side. I've found that to kill an KMS Flak, it usually takes
a total of 4-6 charges... and I like to give them all to them at once. I found that if
they are really dead, I live with a little bit of damage. I found that if they survive,
they are usually anticipating me passing and have already started to turn and are going to
launch at me if they survive. Another thing I learned to do is drop all the charges and
then cut hard to one side, so I'm now running parrallel to them, and I hit the overspeed
at the same time. This swings the tail end of the ship away from the charges and gets me
away. Because I've used some overkill, I don't have to worry about them shooting as I pass
where their bow tubes would have been pointing.

The weight on the charges is usually negligable, as I've removed all guns. I mount to HH
launchers forward. This gives me a nice, dangerous spread of HH and I can fire as I'm
moving in for my DC run. Also, it makes me a lot faster as I have no other gun weight aft.
I mostly use destroyers, so the guns you have in GB are essentially useless anyway, so the
extra knot or two is handy.

I guess my issue is that I fight a lot of subs. Sometimes I screw up alot and get killed,
but other times I'm pretty darn effective. I think that some SS drivers live to kill subs
and do some crazy things to get a kill.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 22. 2011 13:52

Oh come on V2, don't encourage TK for the sake of KS LOL.
Sadly ASW gets you very little XP but can help the team win. The only ASW I
have done was to level neuts to 12 or on my emden as a side job to AA.

About the DCing though - something I picked up from the neut ships was really
on one laucher is enough because if you are going to miss, you are going to miss
so why damage yourself/teammate even more. It also makes you play smarter
because you won't spam DCs, saves weight, and The single launcher reloads fast

Most importantly, I was able to get into the mess with team subs and come out of
it damaging only the enemy sub by learning the approximate range of my DCs and
dropping them far enough away from my subs - and relatively far enough away
from the enemy subs while still doing damage. In fact, some subs players may not
even notice you are dropping DCs if you do it at a max/medium distance and they
will take quite a bit of damage.

But if there are a lot of players in bunched up mess, I'd stay out of it. Chances are
either you will tk or you will get tked and what good does that do anyone...

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 21. 2011 16:39

Thats what I thought but I didn't know if there was some sort of NF norm. Well then I
guess is DCs away!

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 21. 2011 15:57

They just want to swoop in and steal your kills. My advice to you is if you have done most
of the attack and are in a position to take the kill, take it. If it means TKing some tard
who is trying to KS you so be it. I run into this situation all the time when I play BB. I
have an enemy in the red and someone else tries to cross me to take the kill. I will take
the shot even if it means tking the other guy.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 21. 2011 15:41

Since we've wandered way off topic a few times already, and I have 3 seasoned players here
to bounce ideas off, how do you guys feel about subs?

I don't want to start a new thread as what will happen is a bunch of people will get mad
at what I say, but.... I play a ton of ASW. With low-level BOs, other than AA, its pretty
much all you can contribute to GB. I've gotten fairly good. Sometimes I get beat, but over
the last couple weeks, I've sunk around 30 subs.

Now the bad part is, that by me sinking subs all the time, I've been attracting the ire of
sub drivers. Admittedly, I had a big screw up (having no way to know the range of a DC
accidentally sinking one of my own). On the other hand, I've got SS telling me stay away
let them sink the subs, firing torpedos after I've already announced I'm making the run
and OVER the target. I've even read an ASW guide, written by an SS expert, that is giving
advice to ASW ships that I know from my own hard-earned experiences getting killed, is
bad. Other than some of the SS drivers, I get a lot of thanks from the BBs and the CVs
that are quite happy to have someone keeping the subs away.

Is the tactical role of the SS ASW? If so, it doesn't make sense. Then the ASW ships have
nothing to do and meanwhile the SS expend all their torpedos on each other instead of the
team's BBs and CV, which actually wins that game.

Second question is if the SS on your team are doing ASW, at what point do you intervene?
I've been watching the battle lines unfold and allowing them to fight. Typically, I move
in if the enemy SS gets past them or if they are unengaged. Its frustrating when the SS
escapes them, its firing on BBs, I've wounded them with HH and are about to kill them with
DCs and next thing I know I'm getting torps from my own SS behind me. Its happened at
least 3 times and I'm getting yelled at for taking kills. Am I wrong? Is ASW worth doing
as a surface ship?

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 18. 2011 15:25

It is completely possible to get good XP on 16 players games if you have a BB
or CV to attack. It's hard to compare in this situation because it's unlikely you
will get the exact same type of ships each game. But in case you didn't know,
you will always get more XP for attacking higher tier ships. Some people also
believe sinking the ship gives you more XP but that isn't true - it's the attack
that matters. I'm going to stress again though, all the attack and XP will do no
good if you don't learn how to play along the way.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 18. 2011 10:06

i still blame hobbit map.
36 player game ends about the same time as 16. pretty sad

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 18. 2011 05:32

I agree completely with Mako's post about rooms full of DDs... its about tonnage. As for
faster rooms creating more xp, you guys are partly right. They are better for you in your
CVs and BBs in GB. Certainly not for my ASW ship. Shared XP means I need to stick around.
I've experimented in blitz and I've found that rooms with 24 seem to fill rather quickly
and give a modest amount of xp. When games start with 16 people with them, the amount of
xp is about 1/2 of what I normally get.

I don't know if you have any experience in manufacturing; something that causes a loss of
productivity is down time. So if you have faster games, but it means that you are waiting
for games to load and people to join, that down time creates a lack of production. Then
again, after all the people that are in the rooms now I think the dynamics have just changed.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 15:16

There is a magic number that gives you more XP than having a lot of players
isn't there? Mid 20s or so? I just find fewer people = less dependence on luck
and more control over how things turn out. Also targeting larger ships yield more

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 15:11

Just use the cool channel for now our fleet seems to be bugged.
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