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U.S Navy


  • 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    01. 31. 2011 05:05

Knowing that I'll be expanding my "fleet" into several crews and wanting some flexibility,
I decided to level up some different classes. Yesterday, while bringing a plain ole sailor
up to L20 to become a 2nd Class Sailor, I was unhappily surprised to find that when I
classed him (from regular sailor to 2nd class) all his stats fell to around where he was a
L1. Is this a glitch? Is there a purpose behind having these 2nd, 1st, and petty officer

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 15:07

hmm just wondering why dont I have a fleet thing on the forum. (mako either)
i want my BALLS! tag

anyways yeah waiting for big rooms is just stupid

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 13:35

Some NF math

less players = less exp per game
less players generally = faster games
faster games = more games per hour
more games per hour = more exp per hour

Playing > Waiting

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 12:12

If you have a lot of ships but most are dds, it doesn't matter if there are 100
it's not going to improve your XP. If you get a few CA/BB/CV and around 20
players it's a good number. It also allows you to concentrate on one on one
situations and ranged battles.
I've brought up a lot of the players in our fleet in the small battle situations
instead of big battles and they all seem to be better off for it. After 20K games
you start to see what works and what doesn't. Playing and learning is also
better than getting the most XP anyway.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 11:07

Starting with 16 players doesn't allow for more tonnage sunk, which then gives a lower
amount of team xp, which then means you get less XP. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind
fighting less people, but when you are trying to grind, it gets annoying.

Then, add in the "go" spam, then add in the hobbit map, then add in 4-6 kitnas tossing
torps everywhere, so you spend the first 3-5 minutes of the fight driving in circles....
it can be trying at times. Especially, when with all the poor choices being made, the same
people responsible for that chaos are whining about they don' t earn enough $$$ and xp....
I think what you are talking about is quite normal. Its about playing for fun and enjoying
tactics of the game. This is an all together different thing!

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 10:30

Well I usually start with 16-18 players. Fewer Torps and leaves games up to
actually playing with some sort of skill rather than the luck of a mad rush of
players. More players doesn't necessarily = more XP.
You'll likely find more old school players start on normal maps with fewer
players. In fact most of my 16 player games go at least 10 minutes and
sometimes the full 15.
How you can tell if someone is newb is the tactic of - I might be crippled or
sunk but at least I took the other guy with me. Also a lot of name calling
if a map other than Hobbit is chosen when it has only been the default map
for about 8 months.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 10:09

I forgot, I have a torpedo man too, L42, so really no need for a conversion I guess.
Hobbit war blows, but not much choice as all the noobs don't know to change the room name.
Also, even worse,


Instead, what happens is they insist on starting with stupid numbers of players (like only
18) then quitting the game after they die (thus losing the team bonus) then rushing to
start on another map (always picking hobbit so they think its done faster). I think the
way to go is to start CA/CL rooms, with higher level thresholds. I'm hoping that more
people playing will get more people into those rooms. We'll have to wait and see.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 07:08

I think the supports if elite are salvageable and maybe you should. I have a whole
assortment of stuff too - Most half finished. If they are still level 30-40, just consider
them late classed. If you want to do the support as torper, maybe try it on random
support sailor like a 12 restore or something - that's what I did on my emden.

And to keep up with your learning - if you are playing blitz, please, please, don't
play hobbit map... Terrible decision to make that map default and turn everyone into
an AW/TW.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 06:49

I do appriciate your concern for my messed up support sailor (actually I'm screwing up a
second one). But I've got a pile of sailors. Right now for my US crews, I'm leveling:

4 BOs (L56, L48, L35, L17)
9 Gunners (L17 - L62 with a mix of accuracy and reload)
2 Sonar (L17, L42)
3 Engine (L54)
4 Repair (L42- L52)
1 Restore (L52)
2 Fighters (L38, 48)
2 Bombers (L19, 48)
1 Rookie Pilot (L19 - almost there!)
2 Screwed up support Sailors (L40, L30)
2 Non screwed up support Sailors (L14)
2 Seaman (L18, L45)

For ships:

Fletcher (specially built for ASW escort)
DDX (setup for ASW)
Oakland (setup for AA)
Brooklyn (setup with 6" broadside for blitz)
Pensacola (setup for blitz or GB AA has 12" broadside and strong dual 5" secondary)
Alaska (Only used for purposes of joining special BB rooms)
Texas (setup with 6" broadside for blitz)
Northhampton (in mothballs with 8" broadside)
New Orleans (setup for very high speed with 6" broadside for blitz)

I've got a wide assortment of sailors and ships. I can tailor make a crew/ship for pretty
much anything I feel like doing. Also, because I have multiple levels, even after I cross
the L60 threshold, I'll still have powerful sailors that can go into either room. Almost
every one of them is Elite, Premuim, and has at least 100+ vets. Some, like the 2 sonar,
seem useless, but they aren't. I use the lower rated sonar for my ASW escort ship. I can
now overheat my DDX yet still see the target. The 9 gunners also looks outrageous, but
with the mix of reloads/accuracy at varying levels, I can mix/match and put together some
dangerous crews and almost equally dangerous escorts. The other thing you'd bring up is
the 4 repair but only 3 engines. I haven't had need or patience to level another engineer,
so I'll purchase another to give me 4 high level ones or I'll convert one of the unclassed
supports. Also, I'm sure you'll note the pilots without carriers. I purchased two, as my
BO is 2 levels away, and I'm leveling more of them as SF or Rookie pilots. Everyday I
watch the trade section and I'll most likely purchase additional, higher level, pilots to
fill out my CV. I don't want my teammates screaming that I'm "useless" right off the bat.
Yet at the same time, I'll have some low level ones to practice with in blitz before I get

Also, I've only started playing the last week of January, so I expect to make some mistakes.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 05:58

The difficult thing in this game is that a set up in one type of game might not
work at all in another or vs a different opponent.
It's so hard to give up a successful set-up for one that doesn't seem as good
but sometimes it's necessary in order to learn better tactics.
You mentioned how the torps would deter people from coming close or make
them turn. It's very true. But if you were fighting me in my neutral destroyer,
I'd be fighting you at my maximum range and your torps wouldn't even reach
me so I wouldn't even bother to turn.
I think our concern about that support sailor is that you could very well be
wasting a potentially reasonable repair for something that will only be used
short term.
Success does make games more fun but in the long run it may hinder your
Good luck ~

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 17. 2011 05:32

You guys aren't babbling at all. Understand, my highest level BO is 56 and my highest
level ship is a rarely used POS Alaska. I have only had the benefit of playing in the
Blitz and shared XP in GB. Many of my observations or ideas are working very well where
I'm at but might not work very well after I cross the L60 threshold.

It is quite aggravating that I have the perfect ship setup and crew for blitz, eating any
CL, CA, and even going toe to toe with BBs, yet its going to come to an end and I won't be
able to use it at all. No torps on that ship. In fact, I find that having the capability
to fire them and force a more powerful ship to turn away at a critical time is key, even
if you don't get a hit. Then again, its blitz, not GB, with the long ranges of BBs.
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