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U.S Navy


  • 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    01. 31. 2011 05:05

Knowing that I'll be expanding my "fleet" into several crews and wanting some flexibility,
I decided to level up some different classes. Yesterday, while bringing a plain ole sailor
up to L20 to become a 2nd Class Sailor, I was unhappily surprised to find that when I
classed him (from regular sailor to 2nd class) all his stats fell to around where he was a
L1. Is this a glitch? Is there a purpose behind having these 2nd, 1st, and petty officer

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 16. 2011 21:34

I tend to agree V2. I thought the gunner getting xp from torp and vice versa
came into effect just around the time when FW CV XP was screwed up. At that
time I thought maybe the only or easiest solution for them was to allow XP
from all types of attacks for any sailor.

Anyhow, When I combo torp attack on my FF, I tend to get lower XP than when
I just use guns. Of course I can't say for sure because it would depend on the
game, players, ship I attacked etc etc.. But it seemed that way.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 16. 2011 20:03

I think they changed the way torpedoes affect exp when they made it possible to get exp on
torpedo men without getting torpedo attack. I could be wrong since i do not use torpedoes
outside of kita though.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 16. 2011 16:48

Without boosting, a regular 12 repairer will still be greater than the one you
have now because you will be losing +9 per level eventually.
Now I know you want to make an argument that with a repairer, you won't get
as much restore ability. Restore caps much sooner than repair - so you will need
multiple repairs and while gathering those, your restore will become capped. That
support sailor will only be dragging your potential repair ability down.

Now having said that, if you are planning to keep that sailor as a means to use
torps on a lower tier ship that's fine. I do that too with restore12/rep10 sailors
that I have a ridiculous number of and no use for - but wouldn't with an elite.

I will suggest that you remove the torps from gun based ships, especially USN
because it's really a dead end + I believe it cuts your XP (Someone can correct
me there).

If you can, just class him to repairer now and it should still be okay. If you're not
completely sure what we're babbling about keep asking :)

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 16. 2011 15:26

Always class support sailors on time unless you are going for a unique sailor such as
Support class aa gunners.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 15. 2011 04:51

I think they were elite repairers. Can't remember. In surfing around the trade area, I was
looking at the stats on other sailors and found that they are still better than some of
the non BVE ones, ten levels ahead of them, that were classed on time. Yea, they are kinda
screwed up, but I can still launch torps and I get 800 repair/restore vs torpedoman that
gives you 200. Those two support sailors are just kinda there for a "niche"

Speaking of screwing up sailors, last night, my restorer hit L52 and it asked me to class.
When it did, I found that he gains +3 for restore but goes from +10 repair to +5. SO if I
class him, then I lose 2 overall points for my crew. Restore can hit the cap faster, but
Repair doesn't. Would it be wise to leave him alone???

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 11. 2011 11:39

lol how much did you screw up promoting those supports?
I dont see how there can be any future use for these.
a few levels of not classing an elite is still better than +12s.
but i guess its too late

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 11. 2011 11:27

Elite in what skill?

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 11. 2011 07:45

I looked at my Support Sailors last night. They are L38 and have 200s for torpedo skill
but they are in the 800s for Repair, Restore, and Engine. I may be wrong, but I'd venture
a guess that even without ever classing them, thanks to being elite and prem and full of
vets, they are probably better than a completely 'bare' sailor that is classed on time.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 09. 2011 13:45

Both arms and supports can use basic weapons but if the equipped launcher
or gun require a more specialized skill, then those sailors will not be able to
operate it. This can often happen if you have, for example, a heavy torpedo
sailor and you equip your ship with a launcher that requires that ability. If you
then try to use torps with a support/arms sailor, it won't work because they
don't have that ability. I believe if you right click the sailor, you get a screen
that shows you what kind of "ability" they have.

  • Re : 2nd Class Sailor glitch?

    02. 09. 2011 12:35

I'm not sure why, but I had problems with that and they didn't want to work. I'll have to
check it out again. Maybe I just got confused.
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