HA Infomation

Tip and Tactics


  • Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 02. 2012 09:02

Recommend : 2


When it comes to air combat, and for example 2 fighters engage each other, is it the listed ability of the pilot or the true ability that is used?


I'm asking because late classing fighters and bombers provides them with a greater total true ability, but classing them on time provides them greater listed ability. Late classing for greater true ability would be pointless if only the listed ability stat is used in the combat, but if the true ability stat is used then the classing of pilots is actually detrimental to their performance.


I'm assuming that true ability is what is compared between two pilots, but that does mean that classing pilots beyond their first promotion makes them perform worse in the long run. However, if true ability wasn't used, that would render experts and vets useless except for their contribution to AAW defense.


Also, while I'm at it, the components section shows UK T4s as ace fighter, I assume that means that you need the ace pilot ability to be able to use those?


  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 06. 2012 21:49


Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Do the math.


A KM fighter @120 with 150 vets has 3,885,000 ta

A KM ace fighter @ 120 with 150 vets has 3,829,100 ta


A KM fighter @ 120 with 100 vets has 3,306,950

A KM ace fighter @ 120 with 100 vets has 3,293,000


While I was only able to understand once I saw and read the post, I do see what you mean now and I admit I didn't realise it was possible for the ace pilot to sometimes overtake the fighter pilot in terms of TA at certain levels of vets. However, I based most of my calculations on maximum potential and a common potential, I just happened to skip all the areas between 100 vets and 40% vets and, upon seeing them both better the ace and sqd ldr promotions assumed the same remained consistant between the two points. It's interesting to see that the ace fighter actually manages to overtake the fighter pilot thanks to its lower total crew count which I didnt actually think was possible, and again is only limited by its crew count causing it to lose to the fighter at the most extreme levels of vets.


However, your above quoted post doesn't really support anything except my original argument that delayed fighter pilots are better :/ and even though the ace fighters are able to overtake the fighters ability, once the ace hits maximum vets it takes only ten more vets on the delayed fighter and it's back in the lead. True that the ace fighter is sometimes better, but that advantage is pretty negligible and in the end it reduces maximum potential. The 'best' pilot is still the basic promotion.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 07. 2012 08:30


It depends on how much you want to spend. Not everyone is willing to throw all that money away on vetcapping fighters, especially since thats not even needed in current CV play style. This is not NF 2009 anymore, most BBs are unable to keep vision with scouts and CVs are forced to use their fighters for nothing more then glorified scouts.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 08. 2012 08:18


If you decide to class fighters only until fighter class, do you class them on time?

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 08. 2012 09:21


Originally Posted by karl_donuts

If you decide to class fighters only until fighter class, do you class them on time?

If all you care about is pilot ability then yes.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 08. 2012 16:40


Originally Posted by karl_donuts

If you decide to class fighters only until fighter class, do you class them on time?

Yeah, you class pilots as the basic promotion asap, basic pilot promotions gain 5 recruits per level just like all the previous promotions but with more growth, so there's no reason not to.


The choice to delay class or not comes when you reach the ace pilot class.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 08. 2012 19:45


Originally Posted by Benser33

Originally Posted by karl_donuts

If you decide to class fighters only until fighter class, do you class them on time?

Yeah, you class pilots as the basic promotion asap, basic pilot promotions gain 5 recruits per level just like all the previous promotions but with more growth, so there's no reason not to.


There are of course other abilities to consider but that depends on how far you want to take things.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 10. 2012 17:43


SO WHAT UR SAYING IS. WHO EVER PROGRAMED THIS GAME SHOULD BE FIRE, TAR AND FEATHERED AND THEN SHOT WITH ROCKSALT TO THE BALLS FOR SCREWING UP THE GAME MECHANICS.  sorry for caps. just makes no sense to have upgrades that dont help in the end. to me this just sounds like the game is broken big time.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 10. 2012 19:28


Originally Posted by V2CxBongRipz

Originally Posted by Benser33

Originally Posted by karl_donuts



There are of course other abilities to consider but that depends on how far you want to take things.


Yeah, but no pilots are going to stand any chance if you delay the promotion to basic fighter/tb/db at the expense of other abilities. You'd have to delay the promotion to special forces which would severely impair their primary function. You could delay the rookie pilot promotion and just keep them as special forces until the level of the basic pilot promotions I guess, for their repair-7 and restore-7 ability.


Originally Posted by LastSpartan

SO WHAT UR SAYING IS. WHO EVER PROGRAMED THIS GAME SHOULD BE FIRE, TAR AND FEATHERED AND THEN SHOT WITH ROCKSALT TO THE BALLS FOR SCREWING UP THE GAME MECHANICS.  sorry for caps. just makes no sense to have upgrades that dont help in the end. to me this just sounds like the game is broken big time.

The mechanics for fighter and bomber ability has changed a few times over the years, but yeah, pretty much.


As for caps, kudos if you read the whole thread to come to your conclusion tbh.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 10. 2012 21:35


Originally Posted by Benser33

Yeah, but no pilots are going to stand any chance if you delay the promotion to basic fighter/tb/db at the expense of other abilities. You'd have to delay the promotion to special forces which would severely impair their primary function. You could delay the rookie pilot promotion and just keep them as special forces until the level of the basic pilot promotions I guess, for their repair-7 and restore-7 ability.


You would be surprised. Theres a couple of CV crews out there with mean fighters/tbs, 900 sd, and rep cap with gunners instead of supports. But like I said it all depends on how far you want to push things.


And you shouldnt put too much stock in crew ability. There are ofcourse other factors besides crew when it comes to real battles.

  • Re : Fighter/Bomber ability.

    12. 10. 2012 21:40


Originally Posted by LastSpartan

SO WHAT UR SAYING IS. WHO EVER PROGRAMED THIS GAME SHOULD BE FIRE, TAR AND FEATHERED AND THEN SHOT WITH ROCKSALT TO THE BALLS FOR SCREWING UP THE GAME MECHANICS.  sorry for caps. just makes no sense to have upgrades that dont help in the end. to me this just sounds like the game is broken big time.

You know...I can agree with this sentiment. I'm coming back after an almost 3 year absence and there's a heck of a lot more mechanical understanding and transparency with how to make the best crew if you look for it. Sadly, though, a lot of it doesn't make sense for a logical person (specifically in not classing up, when to reclass, true ability vs. listed, etc), to the point where I see that my level 105 FPs that I thought were good when I left are now not really competitive against the min-maxers with the same level FPs classed illogically.

The same holds true with premium vs rolled sailors or how different sailors work towards total. It's highly inconvenient to find out after-the-fact that your sailors aren't as good as you thought, but at least it's transparant so you can find it out eventually and recover. I think this was probably a developer oversight that became the standard, and though I honestly believe there's no way to correct the problem without creating another (negating the already invested work of people who were in the know by reversing it) it is a little disheartening when you figure it out.

Rave: Good job on transparency of mechanics and individual player work towards understanding and explanations
Rant: Sucks to be on the side that doesn't know about it ahead of time. There's no way to undo weeks/months/years of misunderstanding based on logical assumptions.

Edit: This is as good a place as any for my question, just to confirm in my mind what's been posted. The calculations and information put down indicates that performing -only- the first up-class (from rookie pilot to either fighter pilot or bomber) is the way to go. I'm running a KM line with classed-on-time fighters and bombers around level 100, since that's what I had almost 3 years ago when I last played. It looks like this is (relatively) the wrong way to go, as I lost quite a bit of potential in doing so. I'm not trying to min-max here, just trying to recognize if I made a bad decision in the past and should correct it now before proceeding. Much appreciated.

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