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  • Adalbert's guides on ability

    07. 06. 2007 15:41

As all my "formula-posts" have been recently bumped, I was approached to put
them all into one post so it could be stikied... here it is.

These guides contain advanced information. If you are just starting to play the
game please go ahead and read Obst's guides on That
webpage gives you all the information you need to start with. If you have done that
are still curious about some details, go read ahead.

Since it has quite some information, I divided it into several parts, that are posted as
replies by myself.

0) Ability - how they are calculated / base stats
1) BO's Potential - guideline length / marking distance
2) Accuracy - where's the cap, how is it calculated
3) Reload - where's the cap
4) Torpedo - reload cap
5) AAW - chance of shooting down planes at horizontal and vertical distances with
auto fire
6) Repair - Repairrate and Burnrate
7) Restore - SD
8) Engine
. A - General
. B - Overheat time
. C - Base speed
. D - natural overheat speed
. E - overheat speed with crew
9) Aircraft - not yet posted
10) Fighter - not yet posted
11) Bomber - not yet posted
12) Special Sailors
. A - Sonarmen

If you have questions or remarks to any of those posts - please send a PM to me.
Also if you think that you have found a mistake, please contact me directly as it most
probably will just be a misunderstanding and I don't want an obsolete discussion in
this post as it just blows it up and might scare ppl away.
I have not included all "proof" in this post - if you are looking for some numbers how
I came up with the formulas, feel free to look for my old posts from between 2005
and now,
and you will find more information in there.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 19. 2009 11:42

will recommend tomorrow

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 18. 2009 12:13

Shameless plug time.

My list is more or less complete now, minus the Texas and any other ships that may
or may not be released in the future (namely, the SS4 and anything that might come
as a result of the new nations pack). I could try to find someone to get the Texas
values from, but otherwise the list is complete.

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 16. 2009 19:22

not to insult you but your link to your true ability picture is broken

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 16. 2009 11:51

It does not work exactly the same. I believe he is working on that sometime in the near
future (next couple of weeks?)

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 16. 2009 07:04

Thanks for adding the sub stuff, Adalbert. Do you know if sonarman sight distance works
exactly the same for surface ships as it does for submerged submarines?

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 16. 2009 05:21

That helped some of my questions. Recommended *

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 08. 2009 06:58

oh.. that was a typo of course. changed

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 08. 2009 05:54

to clarify about the sub additions... did you say planesman only work on T-slots? as in th
slots you would put a torpedo man?

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 04. 2009 23:17

Wow, that is an extremely complicated set of formulas. I'm glad someone took the time to
figure them out to help the rest of us, especially us new players! Thanks!!

  • Re : Adalbert's guides on ability

    03. 02. 2009 00:22

Outstanding guide Adalbert... I was curious about 2 things though... AAW. I
understand they are trying to make it a more useful stat, but I was just curious if
just the AA-Gunners contribute to AAW or if the whole crew does. Secondly, have
you done any tests with seaman and how effective they really are? From my
searches on the forums, it seems split that half think they're useless and the other
half believe they are invaluable.