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  • Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 09:21

Hi All,

While im feeling all proactive.

Calmly and rationally - What keeps you out of your CV?

How do we get you back in your CV playing again?

Again - Please keep this clear of speculation, insults. Everyone has their right to a
viewpoint or reason, debate it but do so with reason and back it up.

If not or you cant, then leave it

Yes no doubt this has been discussed to death, but is also a major issue in NF today
resulting in games taking too long to load etc. Yes I also know there is the CV wish list

This is a temporary quick fire solution suggestion thread - Keep it short and concise

Heres a couple for you

1) Crew death
2) Player abuse (bullying and insults)
3) TB's DB's shortened range
4) Locals need resolving (?)

Added (by community)
1) Torp/DB Damage review

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 15:27


hmm credits/exp is a problem with at lvl crew in CV0,5 - Cv2.... once your in Cv3
most problems go away.

thing is ppl stop playing Cv cuz of low lvl Cv's been ineffective and get a lot less

keep in mind I sed AT LVL crew, a player using lvl 80+ FP's in Cv1 woun't have much
problems... Problem is geting ther :)

and lets face it, FWing all day long is no fun, bombing is way more fun... however a
team needs FW... hence why I suggest balancing them out so both can be used all
the time.


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 15:27

Were those in GB2? Even with good FW games I've never broken 30k with a CV before....
Also erad, do you make that consistently? It would help if other CVs didn't suck so much >_<

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 15:22

Buff Bomber damage to that of NFKR,maybe some extra range too,but not as much
as NFKR.

Nerf AA Reload and/or Spread,so many AA Boats out there spamming makes
successfully DBing (And to a lesser extent TBing) even more difficult.

Nerf Fighter Sight Range,maybe around to DB sight or in between DB/Current fighter
sight range.

Buff MN Fighters (Dur)

I haven't noticed crew death anywhere near as bad as what some people describe,i
also see no need to buff credits/exp,if i got 100K+ credit and 40K+ exp games in a
FW CV3.....

That is all.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 15:08

"9. Give CVs better EXP. Simple as that. BBs get massive EXP and a relatively good amount
of creds per game. CVs get a "meh" amount of creds and a low amount of EXP per game."

You make me laugh, sounds like I need to pull out some screenies from last night

And here's one from a cv1 since I know you're gonna say OMG THAT'S PCV

EDIT: btw the cv1 screen was on a loss, note the background

CV exp is not low at all

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 15:02

I'm gona quote my suggestions from Yuno's Announcement 1 page 9...same as for

4.) CV's

Reduce crew death by 20%, fact thet you lose experts and vets in 1st 2min's of GB is
just ridicules. CAP Locals to Cv 1-2, a Cv 3 and up shouled be using T3's.
Implement Compas suggestion about scouts, see it in suggestion forum.
CAP CV's FP Pilots to 4, thet way other ships can acctually use scouts, and air woun't
be filled with FP's thus allowing more enjoyable Cv play-sytle wich wouled be using
Bombers mixed with FP's.
We wouled see a lot more Cv players then, and less complaning from BB's...I'm
blinde, I'm blinde...since they wouled have a chance to scout(new scouts, see
Compas scouts suggestion).


Implement MORE or enforce current rules, Make Borderhumping illegal, make
leeching illegal, (edit: delited rest)

7.) LOWER the Shared Exp ammount for Mid Lvl's 61-85
The fact thet your in a BB1(edit: this can apply to CV as well) and you ONLY get 40%
of exp you shouled of got is ridiculess....60% shared exp is to much, make it VICE
VERS.....30-40% shared, rest is personal, for mid lvl's.

9.) Remove the Torpedo nerf
All so knowne as ninja nerf, all user's using torpedo's are geting 50% if not more
less EXP then before, thets cuz you made it all shared, give torp users back ther exp
or lower the shared exp ammount.

11.) Add T4 Fighters minimal lvl for them shouled be 115, and only usable by Cv4-6.
end quote*

4. is the main suggestion rest are just addons :)
FYI DB's are fine, if ther not(I'm not sure) then make them IJN > MN = US > RN = KM


  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 14:48

1. Seriously nerf LFT. They are miles ahead of T3s even with proper control. Make them
between T2 and T3, at that power, they should be able to easily kill T3 IF THEY CONTROL
THEM PROPERLY instead of just sending LFT into a group of T3s and letting them massacre
the T3s.
2. Buff bomber damage, especially TBs. DBs maybe bump it to 4-5k per bomb because our
squadrons take much longer to ready than it does a BB to reload and shoot and at this
point, we do less damage. It's kind of annoying that because of subs, BBs are packing on
the bulge and it takes a lot of TBs to break through and start doing decent damage.
3. I'm fine with the abuse/insults because I know that I provide good FC for whatever
level CV I'm in. I just laugh when they blame me when I'm grinding a CV1 crew for lack of FC.
4. Revamp the entire pilot control system. I'm getting tired of telling my planes to
return and RIGHT before they land, one of them climbs like mad to shoot down a scout.
First of all, it's down right annoying, second, it slows my readying process, third, it
makes them run out of fuel very commonly. I hate how when you're maneuvering 2+ squads at
once and give a direction, their destination is relative to their current position. If the
squads are separated, you have to manually regroup them.
5. Fix auto DB vs PBB. I'm practicing my manual DB skills, but PBB hitboxes are so tiny
and they have such a great turning force that I find it extremely hard to use either auto
or manual. If you fix the gunline ships' auto, fix ours as well.
6.Give a more informative plane panel. Right now, all it shows is plane picture, # left, #
of open spots on runway, and how many you've readied. You can make it to show what is
there right now, fuel, FORMATION, ammo for FP, status, health.
7. Formation features for all planes. For bombers a spread out TB formation could help
with those tiny FF/DD.
8. Active/Inactive pilot choices. Basically, give us to choice to let our pilots
engage/attack enemy planes, or to ignore. It would be nice to have a feature that tells
the pilot how close the enemy planes have to be in order to begin engaging.
9. Give CVs better EXP. Simple as that. BBs get massive EXP and a relatively good amount
of creds per game. CVs get a "meh" amount of creds and a low amount of EXP per game.
10. Let us use all 9 pilot slots on PCV/CV6. I would really love to run 6fp-3 TB/DB. This
would allow someone on a PCV to be able to launch 4-4-4 for EVERYTHING instead of what we
have now as 4-4-4, 4-4-4, 6-6. Do you know how long it feels to ready 6 bombers on one pilot?
11. More planes to use. BBs have a massive selection to choose from, although some of the
setups are frowned upon. CVs at one level basically only get 1 choice.
12. Waypoints. Basically, "Go there and when you get there, go there."
13. Do something about friendly AA ships not caring about their teams CVs. It sucks when
we refuse to put FC over some BBs because they have an AA whore that will NEVER stop
firing at enemy planes, even if there is 1 scout vs 12 fighters. Gunships lose exp when
they TK. AA ships should get the same effects.
14. Let us be able to put more than 1 type of plane. E.g. having T3 and T2 FP, or T1 and
T2 bombers. BBs can have different guns on every slot.
15. Let us be able to load both ammo types for DBs. BBs have their 2 ammo lockers to use
for LHE and AP, we just get one, however.
16. Activate aircraft stat. Fighter stat = offensive. Bomber stat = defensive. Aircraft
stat = reduces ready time. BB gunners rld stat can cut their reload in half, but our plane
ready time is stuck at the awfully long 12 or so seconds per plane. Also, don't activate
ground crew to do this task because BBs don't need a separate sailor to reduce their reload.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 14:26

I think exp gain on CVs should be increased, a BB can do a ton of attack and get a ton of
exp, a CV should gain a ton of exp for shooting down a ton of fighters and doing a ton of
attack by attacking other ships.

Right now I think many CV drivers are sort of annoyed that they do just as much work as a
BB and maybe scrap up maybe 20-30k exp.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 14:05

It's been mentioned, but the only thing that keeps me out of my essex is the player abuse. One
group wants fighter cover, one wants scouts, one wants to know why you aren't attacking. My
priority when playing my CV is to scout and provide fighter cover. I grow tired of being called a
noob when I do this by someone who wants it played differently.
Local fighters serve a purpose in the CV world. Especially for lower level CVs. I also think the
damage done by DBs is ok as is, but the TBs need help.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 13:57

CV's are far, far more level based than other ships. Even when facing a BB6, lower-
level BB's have a -chance- at killing it. I've killed a Montana with a Nevada before,
simply because I knew my low-angles and he didn't. That doesn't work with CV's.

Whoever has the highest level fighters will win. Period. It gets extremely frustrating
when playing CV1-3, watching your Tier1 and Tier2 fighters get ripped to utter
shreds. Heck, Tier1 fighters have a hard time even shooting down -scouts- much less
anything else. It's very disappointing when you're trying to do all the right things,
such as scout for your team and provide them with fighter cover, only to have
everything you do utterly destroyed by a higher tier CV who simply spams fighters
everywhere. A low-level BB can maneuver and use different tactics to give
themselves a fighting chance against a higher level BB. All a low level CV can do is
run away and hope that the enemy doesn't take interest in chasing your slow, fuel-
less planes.

Also, using torpedo bombers is an exercise in futility. Most BB's pack enough bulge to
stop full salvos of submarine torps. This means that, even if a CV manages to
connect with 12 torps, a BB will still survive with barely a scratch. I have literally
watched a battleship take three WAVES of about 10 torps each without batting an
eye. In a GB,t CV1-3 are more or less relegated to attacking smaller ships. This
creates a hostility from teammates who view you as useless because you are unable
to contribute to the grand scheme of things. It gets extraordinarily aggravating when
your teammates decide to yell at you for being a horrible CV driver while your getting
your deck camped by a Midway.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 13:57

Heh.. I love playing CV.. I just don't have a crew I have the BO though..

If I only had a crew.. I would play the thing all day long