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U.S Navy


  • USN Battleships Guide

    08. 01. 2008 12:46

So, with all the spare time I have on campus doing nothing (not to mention the frustration
of rarely ever fighting a worthy opponent in-game whenever I even bother to play), I
thought that I'd spend some of that spare time writing a USN BB guide.

First and foremost, the reason that I'm writing this isn't because Ar2's guide sucks, but
rather that it's horribly outdated, plus it has no information at all on the Northampton line
of BBs (well, I guess that could count under certain definitions of "suck"). The objective of
this guide is to remedy that problem and provide players with an up-to-date source for
using a USN BB. Not necessarily better information, since Ar2 has far more experience
playing than I do, but at least more coverage and updated.

And since I've provided and updated information for more than a single sticky *cough*,
you get to have the privilege of scrolling down to the next post to read what I have to

sticky watts1875

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    02. 02. 2009 12:34


  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    02. 01. 2009 14:03

lord you are the best thx

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    01. 31. 2009 07:17

thanks xD

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    01. 28. 2009 11:59

if you need a guide for nebby you got a problem....and that problem wont be resolved by a

I can make one at the spot if you want:

Don't let an L2 in range
Dont let a Monty in range.
Learn to zigzag, its good at it
aim well, you should be good to win.

that was my nebby guide.

btw re-reading your skill part, i think one of the name you mentionned as crap bb5 player
told me I was noob when i visited AZ out of curiosity this week, wanting to check how
different from ny it was...

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    12. 30. 2008 05:15

Man this guide kicks ass...!

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    12. 29. 2008 11:16

the BB's are fine, and the Nebraska? is that a BB6?

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    12. 25. 2008 09:04

very nice thanks good training

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    12. 18. 2008 18:21

"Easy" might be a strong way to phrase it. The SoDak's wide profile makes it hard to
dodge bombs, yes, but at high levels you should have enough speed to keep it a
challenge for the CV driver. This is also where AA comes in, USN AA is very good at
taking down approaching bomber squadrons, so if you don't have confidence in your
dodging skills, use your AA to whittle down those bombers before they can pull an
attack run.

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    12. 18. 2008 18:06

I remember the first few guys that got there Colorados, and you are right it was a
symbol at that point. I still believe it is now, it is a challenge to fight them even when
the odds are against them.
I am still grinding my way from my guam to the colorado and can't wait for the SoDak.
There is one question though, I've heard that SoDaks are one of the easiest ship to
dive bomb, is there any truth to this?
Thanks again for the guide it has been invaluable to me thanks so much.
May Good Fortune and Luck follow you in all your battles.

  • Re : Ching's Navy: USN Battleships Guide

    12. 16. 2008 04:42

good guide
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