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  • SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 05:32

New thread to compile some general things from the previous one (which was cluttered a lot).

Please discuss this before we can make a proposal based on the discussion results here.

I gathered the ideas here in short (personal opinion included):

Starting with the BB stuff:

Submergence adjustment: please discuss a possible percentage/value I can give to the devs


IM especially needing a submergence nerf (maybe more than others ?)
Durability maybe an option also (22400 -> 20000 for instance ?)


12" this seems overpowered. With current damage and spread, range is to long. Could be
adjusted to 43 angle, that reduces the range slightly. Changes to shells will mess up
other ships.

Swap ranges of the 100 and 110 guns ? That way the extra damage for the 110's can be
accepted ?


Turning force increase.
Range is currently supposed to be in between nebby and kaiser. Will be very hard or even
impossible to really tweak it in the millimeter categore of changes. Hope we can stay away
from that.

P.S. IM, KS and Stalingrad (with 12") share shells. This will make it difficult to
adjust anything on them. If we agree that all ships will work with a damage nerf on those
shells we can do it, otherwise we will need to stay away from the shells as much as we can)


  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 06:48

a nation that already fails the only good thing it has it the IM.

why nerf it ? cuz we can ?

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 05:28

thing is with L2 you can defend as much as with any other "defense orientated" ships..
its like nebby, you can defend as well or sometimes better than with amagi because of
spread and hangtime

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 05:26

"We could also bring your logic regarding other tier ships (which I don't agree with). The
BB3 and 4 are horribly overpowered, so lets nerf the BB5 into the ground to balance it
out. That is what you said regarding the CV's (A non existant CV tier means the one
above should be the best in its tier; That was your suggestion). I honestly don't think you
know what you are talking about. "

Feel free to suggest an alternative in determining which nation has the best ship at each
tier. The SN BB3 or 4 are being nerfed quite considerably by my understanding anyway.

You constantly go on about range and damage, as if they are the only things which matter.
Even in large BB rooms, you will eventually come down to 6v6. In that scenario, the ship
will be extremely weak, due to its speed and turning force and lack of AA, yet you
consistently seem to ignore this.

The H44 isn't as bad as many people make out, its just poorly used, as stated earlier in
the thread, that is not a reason to change the ship.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 05:20

*I'm not sure why you would want to encourage defensive BB play, most rooms are already a
camp fest, with only a handful of players willing to attack. *

Again you are judging by GB. SN is defence orientated which means it is perfect for
defending correct? It is the only nation that I can tell that is defensive in nature while
others are offensive (like UK for example). That is SNs 'unique' trait/characteristic that
NO other nations have and when you use the SN BB4, 5 or 6 in a HA or FW you will see the
potential of SN in these battles.

If you were to judge a ship based on GB performance then the H44 is one of the worst BB5s
in game, yet it can dominate BB rooms, fleet battles and even HAs when up against anything
other than BB6s.

Just because your playstyle is more offensive in nature does not mean the ship should be
adjusted for your playstyle. It is you who needs to adjust to a defensive style when
playing SN. Give the ship to someone who has a defensive playstyle and you will see how
good the ship is.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 04:58

"I'm fighting for a clone ship? A ship with Decent range, good firepower, slow and
unmaneuverable. How does that sound like a clone at all? If anything your fighting for a
clone, your suggesting, either:

Avg Firepower "high" range. (Sound like a SY/L2 at all?)
High Firepower Low range (sound like a montana/alsace at all?)

But slower."

You clearly don't know what you are talking about. You can't give a ship 2nd best/best
range and fantastic firepower. At the moment, the 100's damage wise are below the SY,
so it can have its range buffed. The 110's are above the SY/L2/H44 by a long way. You
can't justify it having the range you want it to have (H44 range). Its hilarious that you
are even suggesting it.

The 110's are also not meant to be the primary gunset. No other nation has the 110's as
the best gunset. You can't balance a ship to have two gunsets. The 100's need to be the
primary gunset, with a different patch dealing with ALL the 110 gunsets.

We could also bring your logic regarding other tier ships (which I don't agree with). The
BB3 and 4 are horribly overpowered, so lets nerf the BB5 into the ground to balance it
out. That is what you said regarding the CV's (A non existant CV tier means the one
above should be the best in its tier; That was your suggestion). I honestly don't think you
know what you are talking about.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 03:31

I'm fighting for a clone ship? A ship with Decent range, good firepower, slow and
unmaneuverable. How does that sound like a clone at all? If anything your fighting for a
clone, your suggesting, either:

Avg Firepower "high" range. (Sound like a SY/L2 at all?)
High Firepower Low range (sound like a montana/alsace at all?)

But slower.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 03:06

"I'm not sure why you would want to encourage defensive BB play, most rooms are already
a camp fest, with only a handful of players willing to attack."

You don't balance assuming unskilled players. You balance assuming skilled players.
Otherwise ships end up being clones of each other.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 15. 2011 00:42

I'm not sure why you would want to encourage defensive BB play, most rooms are already a
camp fest, with only a handful of players willing to attack.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 14. 2011 17:09

Inclined to agree with Clemo's last statement.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 14. 2011 17:02

Clemo hit the nail on the head exactly with this Nation and your still fighting him for a
clone ship Will....
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