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  • SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 05:32

New thread to compile some general things from the previous one (which was cluttered a lot).

Please discuss this before we can make a proposal based on the discussion results here.

I gathered the ideas here in short (personal opinion included):

Starting with the BB stuff:

Submergence adjustment: please discuss a possible percentage/value I can give to the devs


IM especially needing a submergence nerf (maybe more than others ?)
Durability maybe an option also (22400 -> 20000 for instance ?)


12" this seems overpowered. With current damage and spread, range is to long. Could be
adjusted to 43 angle, that reduces the range slightly. Changes to shells will mess up
other ships.

Swap ranges of the 100 and 110 guns ? That way the extra damage for the 110's can be
accepted ?


Turning force increase.
Range is currently supposed to be in between nebby and kaiser. Will be very hard or even
impossible to really tweak it in the millimeter categore of changes. Hope we can stay away
from that.

P.S. IM, KS and Stalingrad (with 12") share shells. This will make it difficult to
adjust anything on them. If we agree that all ships will work with a damage nerf on those
shells we can do it, otherwise we will need to stay away from the shells as much as we can)


  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 14. 2011 00:20

"P24 18.1" guns: HE damage: 1550 -> 1750 (increase by 113% from 54k to 61k, same
as amagi)"
+ 1800 dmg only
if you want 61k need 1550 -> 2300-2350 ((61000-4500*9)/9=2333)
((4500+1550)*9= 54450)
4500 AP hull cap bb5-6

SU 12" (12"/55 B-36 Pattern 1937, 12"/55 B-50 Pattern 1940, 12"/62 SM-33 Pattern 1948 )
have only one problem - weight of projectile.
678!!!(12"/55 B-36 Pattern 1937, 12"/55 B-50 Pattern 1940, 12"/62 SM-33 Pattern 1948 )
490 (12"/52 Pattern 1906)
426 (USN 12")
561 (IJN 12,2")
510 (KM AD 12,6")
462,490 (MN 12")

need 678-> 530-550
This will significantly reduce damage and armor piercing.
12"/62 SM-33 Pattern 1948 need historic angle 50 (- Longer hang time + damage and armor
piercing than 12"/55 B-50 Pattern 1940 + unique ) ) will be less damage than it is now
(as it will be harder to hit), to compensate for this guns will need lighten (+ 1 kn)

if you want remove one bb4 guns, it should be 16"(since historic for Stalingrad - 12")

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 17:51


Practically impossible.

I would like to see the BB5 a base speed nerf of 1 kn, increasing it's turning force to 19,
buffing the range of the 100 guns to the same as the 110 guns, and a slight
submergence nerf.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 17:46

The best thing they could do (which is unlikely to happen and/or impossible to do for
whatever reason) is make the lv110 dedicated anti-BB6 guns. Have them with the same
range/reload/spread but with a damage bonus when hitting BB6s. But like I said, its most
likely impossible.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 17:40

What I am saying is improve all the 110 gun sets to help bridge the gap. Not so much that they disturb BB6
balance, but enough that people use them and consider them an upgrade to the standard gun sets.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 16:55

I'm sorry, but a ship with H44 range, better than Monty damage and high survivability is
OP. Its speed does compensate slightly but not sufficiently; if it did, Soviet BBs would
not be being balanced properly right?

*I think we should leave the SN 110 guns as they are and buff the 100 guns and all the
other nations 110 guns. Right now there is a huge gap between BB5's and BB6's. Buffing the
110 guns would help close this gap. *

What would you suggest? increased range? damage? L2 and SY with lv100 guns removes all SD
and half health. so increasing damage would be stupid. Increasing range might be better
however, the BB6s range would then have to be increased to compensate. So the range
increase would be redundant. Also, incresing the lv100 guns range to the lv110s would be
dumb too.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 16:50


H39 damage consistency blows hard.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 16:26

I think we should leave the SN 110 guns as they are and buff the 100 guns and all the other nations 110
guns. Right now there is a huge gap between BB5's and BB6's. Buffing the 110 guns would help close this gap.
Just a thought.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 15:35

- Greater durability. (being nerfed)
- Greater spread.
- Equal/Greater speed.
- Greater shell damage.
- Equal/Greater range. (being nerfed)

You fail to mention:

- Lower turning force
- Longer hang time.

In anything larger than 6v6 H39 is king.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 15:13

*Is the H39 not the king of large scale BB4 rooms due to it's range?*

I lol'd.
At the current moment in time, the SN BB4 beats all over the H39:

- Greater durability.
- Greater spread.
- Equal/Greater speed.
- Greater shell damage.
- Equal/Greater range.

Only a H39 with lv120 crew and/or in the hands of a good player has a chance of being king.
Other than that I would have to disagree. I would have to say the Iowa, Vanguard and
Yamato are all better ships in BB4 rooms, regardless of their range.

  • Re : SN things to do (recap)

    04. 13. 2011 14:46

Has anything been done about SN/MN aircraft space on gunships and the scout space?
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