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  • How to make proper IJN DP

    05. 13. 2008 17:36

Now i have seen many questions in regard to IJN Anti-Air :
- Do i use Machine gunners, DP, AA etc.
- How do i properly train my ____ gunners
- What base should i need to make a good set of ____ gunners

Since i was tired of seeing these questions over and over again, i decided to make a
final post as to what to do... Feel free to correct what i say, and i can edit my post

For the first question, - Do i use Machine gunners, DP, AA, RLD etc. :
Very simple, IJN has CRAP AAW so Machine gunners make your AAW only some what
acceptable so machine gunners = WAIST OF TIME AND $.
The AA guns are just plain and simply JUNK so ... NO.
Wich only leave ... DP GUNNERS, they can use the long range DP 4.7''/45 Type 10.
They have UBER range for AA, Good reload with good dp gunners, nice spread at
higher levels, so in other words, UBER!
So incase you didnt notice, DP guns are the way to go!

For the Second question, - How do i properly train/class my DP gunners :
I heard many rumours saying that the longer you wait to class your DP, the better,
so i decided first hand to test this theory.
I first trained a set of dp gunners trained ''the normal way'' wich is :Class em when
you can. This gave horrible results so i would not recommend it to anyone.

The second set i trained were trained up to level 62, as normal ARMAMENT SAILORS
and at level 62, classed them to Chf. DP gunners. These gunners gave exellent
results compared to the first set.

The third set was trained up to level 75, they gave better results then the two other
sets but were frustrating to train because they took up valid support slots (causing
SD lose).

So i would recommend by far waiting as long as you can before classing them, if you
can, but if you cant, wait until minimum lvl 62 (for chf dp gunner).

Finally for the third question regarding the base, i could not really do any tests on
the theorys for what to look for so what i did for the three different sets was buy
some 11 acc. 11 rel. 10 aaw gunners ( i would of did 11 11 11 but i could not find
any ) now from personal experience, these gunners work wonderfully. The most
important stat of the three is, imho, Reload, because as your level goes up when
they are DP gunners, they gain ALOT in AAW (wich is junk anyways) compared to Acc
and Rel, as compared to at Arm sailors when they make more in Acc and Rel as
compared to AAW wich explains why u want to wait as long as you can (once again
incase you didnt figure it out on your own, its because you want to gain as much
reload and accuracy as you can).

Now i hope my answers are correct and will help you in your training of a nice set of
DP. And i remind you that i would greatly appreciate feed back and if there is one of
my answer i have said that you do not agree with, i will DEFINATLY look into it and
see if i was correct or wrong, and if wrong, modify the post accordingly

Longrooster XD

-------------------------------------- EDIT
Here's some more information thanks to a question someone asked :
Waiting up to level 75 instead of 62 allowed me to gain +7 in acc +7 in Rel and +8 in
AAW per level, so it benefited in the three, compared to when u class at 62 you only
gain sumthing like +2 / lvl in AAW so you gain in all 3 significantly as compared to
when u class them at lvl 62, you only gain in AAW. As for the reload cap, i dont recall
when i hit it so if anyone brought there DP up the way i did then maybe help specify
on this .
*** you cant forget for the cap that it depends on the base of your sailor and if its
BVE. I would always recommend BVE your sailors because it helps them drasticly.



Its common sense to those who know how NF works. And this is a good guide for
those who dont.
Given pride of place among the top IJN Posts


ps. I'm happy enough with mine, converted at 48. Out-perform level 75's :)

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    09. 08. 2008 12:08

Hey Long, send a Mod a PM to resticky this thread, try Wethog. Anytime you edit a sticky,
it unstickies and you need to get it re-stickied.

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    09. 06. 2008 23:57

BauBau: So with bve'd elite reload gunners, you can class on time and hit the reload cap
at 103-104?

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    09. 06. 2008 22:00

Bump for a mod to re-sticky this.

This is valuable information that every IJN newcomers should read.

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    08. 26. 2008 15:40

"finally i would recommend to Boost your Sailor as soon as you can
because boosting helps the growth rate so they will gain more ability then compared
to unboosted sailors. "

this is wrong.. its make no difference at which lvl you boost the sailor.. its allways
20% more from your crrent abillity!

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    08. 24. 2008 14:03

As for best DP gunner base for IJN, I like a little spread for my AA rather than having
them "block" so I rolled some 8 accuracy, 12 reload, 11 aaw. I classed them at 42. At
level 57 with 80 vets, full experts they fire fast and have good spread.

By classing at 42 instead of classing when avaible, their reload and acc is 450 higher at
level 57 than my original DP gunners have at level 84.

As for machine gunners on BB's, they are only useful on the Kongo, Ise/Fuso, and Nagato. I
had a level 70 set of +12 aaw's that would shoot planes down at their cruising height from
nagato. I only use them on Kita now, and occasionlly on Akagi.

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    07. 20. 2008 14:41

OK longrooster, i've posted the pics again.
IJN DP gunners converted as promotions became available, not late.

As for the DP thing you are saying longrooster the KM and IJN most usable AA guns ONLY
HAVE AA shells.
Lv 36 4.7"/ 45 Type 10 IJN
Lv 48 5"/ 40 Type 89 IJN
Lv 30 3.46"/ 78 Sk C/32 KM
Lv 42 5"/ 61 KM40 KM
As for most other dedicated AA/DP (only saying about KM and IJN) guns other types of ammo
are available.

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    07. 17. 2008 21:07

So joker, first of all you should shut up, baubau pic's were fine as they were so
baubau if you could pls get them back up it would be appreciated!

people who have no fighters. in a cv you have fighters so no AA, and you should
never let anything close enough to you so that it can shoot you, including humpers,
plus the chances u get humped are 1 ; 15

Now the reason the 4.7'' are called dp, no one knows, if your so curious instead of
usin a post in a topic no one could answer you in, you should send in a support
ticket to the GM, All your post was nuthin but crap that anyone would know/stupid
question/Flaming someone for a useful pic, if you have stuff to say that has no point
then dont say it at all,
Thanks Rooster (this is obv. gune be edited xD)

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    07. 15. 2008 06:45

thx it really answered my questions :)

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    07. 14. 2008 09:28

Well since my pics were "so interesting" that folks like Joker1974 liked them alot, I have
chosen to delete them altogether. Enjoy

  • Re : How to make proper IJN DP

    07. 12. 2008 16:28

im lvling some 10 acc 12 rld 10/9 aaw and classing at 80 there gonna be leet
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10