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  • EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 01. 2013 19:00


Content in second.

Sticky undone by author - 11/12/13.


  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 08:58


Originally Posted by Ragnarok_lif

BTW, j39 just sounds stupid lol

I was wondering about that, where does the 'j' in j39 come from? ... I couldn't find anything about it :/


  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 09:07


Originally Posted by speedyman

Originally Posted by Ragnarok_lif

BTW, j39 just sounds stupid lol

I was wondering about that, where does the 'j' in j39 come from? ... I couldn't find anything about it :/


Easy. The first two KM battleships of the H39 class laid down (but not finished) were codenamed "Battleship H" and "Battleship J".

But you and Ragnarok are right, all following ship designs were called "H xx" (xx for the year the design was created). So H42 or H43 would make more sense than J39.

BTW: Thanks very much to the test team for your great work.

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 09:26


Originally Posted by HeroEnVec

"The stats of the duals (a bit higher level than the rest of the EBB5 clones) have been modified to have the same damage per second as the triples.  There is even more to it than this, but I won't go deeper into that now."


Thus proving that the NF community has been lied to about 110 guns since their introduction years ago.  At least someone has pulled his head out of his rear end and is working on things now...

Curious to know where is the lie.

We have always said that the lvl110 guns needed another hull to work with. Now we have one. These guns are exclusive to the EBB precisely because it won't work with the BB5. Please don't get confused and start "proving" things where there is nothing.

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 09:55


Nice work guys.  I would recommend updating the website medal store to identify which ship is the EBB1, EBB2... and so on, or at least put them in order from highest to lowest. 

People might get confused, just a suggestion.

Now lets get working on those Event subs.... i kid.

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 10:06


Originally Posted by jeffcma

Nice work guys.  I would recommend updating the website medal store to identify which ship is the EBB1, EBB2... and so on, or at least put them in order from highest to lowest. 

People might get confused, just a suggestion.

Now lets get working on those Event subs.... i kid.

EBB1, 2, etc is more of a player classification to understand how they compare. It is not a technical category used by SDE.

They currently are very near the order from highest to lowest and there are only a few ships that are not lined up that way. We will see what we can do about it :)

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 10:36


Well player classification or not... the players do it for a reason, i think NF should probably adopt something that the community has already accepted.  Just makes thing easier.... What do you think?

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 10:45


Originally Posted by jeffcma

Well player classification or not... the players do it for a reason, i think NF should probably adopt something that the community has already accepted.  Just makes thing easier.... What do you think?

Players do it because it makes things simple, but it is not always very descriptive of the ship.

I think that giving a better explanation about their level and a basic description in the Medal Store, like premium ships, will go a long way into clearing the confusions and would help much more than classifying them.

Of course, ordering them in the way you suggested, from highest to lowest is also something that should be done.

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 11:18


test what? its obvious the testing phase is flawed

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 11:58


'Ya as if the bb grind was easy enough already with pbb's and ebb's already at great levels with great stats compared to at level ships. They might as well just have a new bb line al together because that's basically what they did. This new line of ebb's only is just easier to play and more pay to win.

  • Re : EBB / ECV Release - October 2013

    10. 02. 2013 12:12


Four new ships will be added to the EBB4 tier, all for their own special reasons.  The Vanguard 1946 is everything that the other ships in its tier have been for the last nine months; BB4 guns with an extra bind.

Clemenceau is still waiting for that extra bind of ammo over the Richelieu.

For the rest withholding judgement, seems not all too unreasonable given the stuff you had to work with.

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