HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 26. 2012 09:46


This ship is so overpowered it puts subs to shame. BB4 that is the size of an atlanta, that can 2 shot bb6s, and has low angle degree guns. People though russia was OP, but they look balanced compared to ALL Italian BBs.


EDIT: Who thinks it is overpowered? Yes or No

I've tallied the votes.

Out of 52 people saying either OP or not, 12 people claim it is not OP. That means 40 people claim it is OP content. 

Not OP %: ~23% (12/52)

It is OP %: ~77% (40/52)


I have written it all down on this google doc. here:


EDIT: If you think the RM BB4s are overpowered, then what are the traits on the ship that need to be nerfed to make the ship balanced?



  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 13:26


Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by tappo01

Originally Posted by ljsevern

I've said this for a long time, but whoever has been doing the sprites since (and including) the PCV's is laughing at what little work he has done. They are largely copy pastes with slight changes, and issues with the sizes of them.

I think changing the size of current sprites shouldnt be too hard, even for SDE.

A few years ago they reduced the H44 sprite by a fair amount after everyone complained for several months. But they left the old hitbox which was way bigger than the new sprite.

Which was since fixed, although there are a number of inherant bugs with hitboxes in Navyfield; Richardphat could probably explain better than me.



  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 14:11


I personally think it is just BB's whining. I have no problem 2shotting an RM4 in my monty. Learn 2 aim!

I think the most common mistake that I see is BBs not recognizing that its a BB4!!!!! If an iowa looked exactally like a sodak it would be the same situation.

There does need to be some balancing done but in the end are there not more important broken things to fix? Just my opinion, I wont have this ship for another 2 days so I can't make any comments from my perspective.

I'd love to see a BB4 only game played and see who is the most OP. Alot of people with the RM BB4 that rip teams apart do it in alot of other ships of the same tier.

  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 15:56


Originally Posted by replika30

I personally think it is just BB's whining. I have no problem 2shotting an RM4 in my monty. Learn 2 aim!

I think the most common mistake that I see is BBs not recognizing that its a BB4!!!!! If an iowa looked exactally like a sodak it would be the same situation.

There does need to be some balancing done but in the end are there not more important broken things to fix? Just my opinion, I wont have this ship for another 2 days so I can't make any comments from my perspective.

I'd love to see a BB4 only game played and see who is the most OP. Alot of people with the RM BB4 that rip teams apart do it in alot of other ships of the same tier.

+1 so true and the crying about it 2 shoting AW ships i  a huge lolz since RM has 20 and 25 Degree angle guns so its aiming for Belt not Deck as much hence why a AW would fail to bounce it since AW L1 is all deck mostly why not try AWing ur Belt instead then see if it still happends and the ppl saying that it can shoot 2 salvos before ur 1 salvo can land apperantly cant aim i lolz at you ppl in my Nelly i was 1 shoting the RM BBs all day when they r in my range if any thing 2 shot the MN EBB3 is the worst OP ship in game atm to me its the SN BB3 Imp all over again

  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 15:56


The developpers can fix the hitbox and change whatever they want. It's only a rectangle ....

Image can be re-pixeled to fit a better shape. Or most insulting would be having 3ds model which doesn't take difficulty at adjusting then render into an image....

  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 16:55


Also, regarding AW ship. It's not because it hit belt. It's because it hit deck. You can clearly see that the deck hit are shown in white damage.

Further, this ship is also a potential in range jump exploit. Unlike H39, bismarck, vanny, USN bb with 30 degree angle. Italian BB have the potential to hit extremely hard even if you miss tons of shells.

See for yourself, I am exploiting the range jump and damage. To those who said it's hard to 2 shots, well, look for youself, I am using a crappy spread and I manage to 3 shots by missing most of my shells on purpose.

Also, here is to give you an idea about the ship and spread.

Finally to  add, whoever want to land a full salvo without a problem, I wish that person good luck.

Because as soon as you're not playing with fail BB driver that sail in straight line. You may want to cross your finger and hit it.

  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 18:55


Originally Posted by Elliot2lazy
BB4 . . . that can 2 shot bb6s


  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 19:24


Originally Posted by ljsevern



Originally Posted by hiroito

Originally Posted by ljsevern

Originally Posted by tlui22

Originally Posted by hiroito

Nerf H39 range? Fine, give it 45k+ for each full salvo, currently at around 34k per full salvo.
Nerf Yamato Damage and AA? Fine, but give them more range.
Iowa stays the same.
Nerf lion's armor? Give faster reload speed/ better submergence.
Nerf range of SN BB4? Don't know about it, but I think there is an scheduled nerf to this.
Nerf MN BB4 AA? Fine, Deliver the "High damage output" promised (Curretnly at around 37k per salvo).

That sounds fair to me, but that would require a mayor overhaul of the Nations and what nations have what perks.

you got the point here, 
this is nation's advantage,
so why do people keep saying italy? because they are lazy to grind?
well, montana and mn bb5 bascially can one shot any BB4, even a super yamato not with 100% sd, so why people dont ask to nerf its damage?
because people are whinning.

Montana and MN BB5's are BB5's, not BB4's. We are talking about BB4's here.

The skill has always been terrible in general. But I guess before the PBB's were nerfed, that content was fine, right?

Anyone that has a clue about game balance and the mechanics of the game knows Italy is hugely flawed, so threads like these are really useful to see who doesn't have a clue about game balance. 

I wonder how many of the people who don't want the nerf to Italy are the ones grinding and playing this ship constantly over say, the BB5...


What I said about the changes to the ships was sarcasm. AM I DOIN' IT RITE LJ?

I could tell it was sarcasm, although thats probably only because it was you. We should have sarcasm tags on this forum ;)

Originally Posted by hiroito


2 Shotted L2 with Iowa? Credible. 
1 Shotted H44 with Yammy? That is no achievement, KM ships are made of paper and glued together with good wishes. I believe a nelson with blocking quads can two shot a Blind H44 before it switches to AP shells.

 There is no skill level that could matter when driving an H39 against a rushing RM BB4+ other 2 random BB5s. I've seen people just run away when they see this little ship rushin while being backed up by L2s and stuff instead of All concentrating their firepower on the RM BB4 and sinking it before it can do any more damage.

Yes, a lot of players ignore the ship which is why it can cause so much devastation. But this ship shouldn't be able to eat an H39 alive with little to no damage on a 1 vs 1 with such ease. This ship isn't a god, it can be sunk but it is way too hard to sink for a BB4, not even an AW Lion 1 is so hard to sink.

I think its funny that NYB thinks he is good. Its easy to one shot H44's with Yammy's when you get massive crits; Because that is the only way you are going to one shot a 900SD H44.

Originally Posted by Mezak76

Originally Posted by hiroito

Originally Posted by tlui22

Originally Posted by tappo01

Another tip: try to use your brain once in a while. The RM BB4's at the moment have no weakness.

ok, nerf h39's range
nerf yamato's damage and AA
iowa is decent
nerf the lion's armor
nerf the range of ussr bb4
nerf the mn's bb4 aa

is this sounds good to you then?

Nerf H39 range? Fine, give it 45k+ for each full salvo, currently at around 34k per full salvo.
Nerf Yamato Damage and AA? Fine, but give them more range.
Iowa stays the same.
Nerf lion's armor? Give faster reload speed/ better submergence.
Nerf range of SN BB4? Don't know about it, but I think there is an scheduled nerf to this.
Nerf MN BB4 AA? Fine, Deliver the "High damage output" promised (Curretnly at around 37k per salvo).

That sounds fair to me, but that would require a mayor overhaul of the Nations and what nations have what perks.

Hiroito, I agree with you, if this ship is over power balance the rest. You said a great true fact about H39, needs an upgrade.

The rest are balanced, with the exception of the Stalin/MN BB4...


LOL.. Lj i know im good. annoys me just seeing your name you knowing alot about the game means crap cause you actually suck playing it. So you always trying to down play others is funny. Get in game more and stay off forums. Might help.

  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 20:29


NYB and LJ cut it out please. This thread is about the discussion of the RM BB4, not about who sucks at playing this game. If you guys want to do that, feel free to PM each other.

Overall, do the RMBB4 and RMBB5 need a nerf? Yes. Soon? That would be awesome.  

  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 20:41


Again, the RM OP is on purpose. Hear anything from GMs lately?(no, not FMs) Silence says a lot.

  • Re : POLL: Italian BB4

    03. 27. 2012 22:38


Originally Posted by scvbari

NYB and LJ cut it out please. This thread is about the discussion of the RM BB4, not about who sucks at playing this game. If you guys want to do that, feel free to PM each other.

Overall, do the RMBB4 and RMBB5 need a nerf? Yes. Soon? That would be awesome.  


What about MN EBB..thats OP when it bounces Nebby shells its OP..its a damn BB3 should not be bouncing BB6 shells at any angle period..If POW/Nelly can't why should it.

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