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  • Vanguard Discussion Thread

    08. 31. 2009 14:47

I'm sorry but the old Vanguard needs to be returned along with the new post patch
range then it would be classed as a BB4 not a 3.5.

Needing 3/4+ engins to reach its original speed cap is stupid and the crap turning
force now in place.

The ship was originally classed as a BB3.5 and the only adjustment needed was the
range increase that it has now. Obst and team glazed over the Vanny with technical
info that this ship would come out the other side much much better and be equal to
BB4's when infact it wasn't.

They made the level higher, the ship slower at level, made the turning force much

They increased the range by a little amount which is not really worth the slow
reload, bad spread and low damage.

Having played on AZ for best part of about 3 years and about 6/7 months on NY I
haven't seen many new Vanny ships about compared to prepatch which is a shame I
usually tend to find myself the only vanny in games 70% of the time


Stickied and Title edit by Ljsevern

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 09. 2009 09:13

Blaming the speed of a ship while you only use 2 engineers is a pretty weak basis to begin

Perhaps it's -your- setup that is ruining the vanguard.

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 09. 2009 09:03

You can't go into detail?

All ONF had to do was alter the range of the guns and make the ship level 89 I can't
see why that was such a problem?

As already said the old Vanny had better turning force and better turrent turning
force and I could go 42knots with 2 engins 75 and 82 now I can't do that.

now I go with 2 engins at 82 and 89 24/35 with 200 bulge or 25/35 with 60 bulge
with 2 engins +11 boosted and 500 experts 105 vets each and one slot empty

You've taken everything that the Vanny was and given it some range and killed the
ship in the process

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 09. 2009 07:59

The old vanguard with the old range wouldn't be a BB4. That is what I meant.

I can't go into what we tested and what we didn't, but personally, I think the BB34 patch
was rushed.

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 09. 2009 07:27

I also would like the old Vangaurd but with the current range.

quote: "That it wouldn't be a BB4.. "

Would you mind explaining why? I am sure ONF tested that setup. What were the reasons
that this setup did not work out balance wise? Was it too powerful or too weak of a BB4?

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 08. 2009 15:36


"It was BB4 in disguise as a BB3 so let it be. It does not have to be changed. "

No it wasn't. It was a BB3.5.

"Once again the Vanny's fine. What bb4 can use bb3 guns ad 2 shot bb5's? :) (dont think a
h39 can do the same thing right? ) "

>>> Saying that a ship is fine because it can use lower tier guns at a severe range
disadvantage but to get high damage isn't smart. If a player gets sunk in a BB5 by a
Vanguard with Nelson guns, they are obviously not a competent player, or were in a
completely un-winable situation.

"I've never seen a Vanny 2 shot a BB5 "

>>> He was talking about using the Nelson guns on it. A full salvo cripples a BB5, and due
to the BB2 FCS, it has great spread at 120. However, the range deficit is huge, and you
also run slower.

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 08. 2009 15:29

I've never seen a Vanny 2 shot a BB5

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 08. 2009 15:01

Once again the Vanny's fine. What bb4 can use bb3 guns ad 2 shot bb5's? :) (dont think a
h39 can do the same thing right? )

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 08. 2009 14:30

It was BB4 in disguise as a BB3 so let it be. It does not have to be changed.

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 08. 2009 12:55

You are contradicting yourself. Vanguard pre patch would not be a BB4.

The spread pre patch was fine; Amazing in fact. It has got worse after the patch. The
submergance was not changed, although the DP may have done. Turning force was nerfed, not
Turret turning was changed. The range was increased quite alot.

I personally do not like the vanguard as it is, I still feel it is the worst BB4 by a
mile, and want it to be changed to be made a proper UK BB4. However, reverting it back to
the old stats isn't an option.

  • Re : Please return Vanguard to what it was

    09. 08. 2009 12:43


Why wouldn't it be a bb4?

From what I remember in the post patch they altered the following, Slower turning
force, Slower turrent turning force, Range increase a little, takes more damage now
than it used to.

What they should have done is, not altered the turning force, not altered the turrent
turning force, basically left the ship as it was but....

have the range increase, have the spread fixed and maybe have altered either the
damage output or make the RLD quicker to compensate.

I dont see how you say it wouldn't have been a BB4 then?