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  • THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 03:34

This is to be used only to suggest changes.

There have been many, many, omg MANY Sub suggestion threads and topics, so here is the idea.

You guys all pick some of the concepts, ideas buffs nerfs etc from all the other threads
and add them here.

While you are welcome to discuss why a change would or would not work, keep it to a
logical and clear discussion.

No - "you are only a BB whinner"
No - "You are bias sub driver" in fact any insults will have their post hidden

Make your point - Make it clearly, make it once - anything else will be thermonuked as
will all other sub threads from here on in really.

Tell SDE what you want to see from Subs and sub play with BB play etc for the future

I'll keep checking in and see what you guys have come up with, there is some brilliant
ideas I have read thus far and look forward to them all in one thread and see where it
progresses, hopefully to a positive conclusion where, at least most of the community will
be happy with the changes (if any)

*Ninja Edit
Please no long winded posts, keep it short

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 17. 2010 05:34

Torp Reload Time? - No problems here.
Torp amount? - No problems here.
Torp Damage? - No problems here.
Surface Damage? - Leave it alone. We haven't played it long enough to see how bad
it is.
"air" (or battery time) ? - Like Rampages Battery idea if it can be pulled off by the
developers. If not, the air needs to be increased on all subs, but inverse to their
level. (ie SS1=40%, SS2=30%, SS3=20%, SS4=10%)
Sub Level (ie T1 sub level 38 T4 Sub level90 etc)? Leave them where they are unless
you plan on finding someway to grandfather in those people who have already
reached the necessary levels.

Still need to balance the subs against each other as they're not. (ie SS4's most
commonly complained against are the KM (proxy and chain gun) and IJN (8 forward
tubes). All subs should have the same forward AND rear tubes. If you're gonna have
different damage levels per torp, then maybe the reload times for lower damage
torps should be a little faster. Allow subs to remove the guns. They're pretty much
useless as sub on surface is food and all other ships are allowed to configure their
weapons as desired.

Need to add high level AA/ASW ships. Like someone said, add them to the end of the
APA line of ships so that line doesn't become a dead end.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 17. 2010 05:05

One big fly in the ointment.

Post patch SS guns are useless. The nerf decreased SS surface survivablity and as an
unintended or intended consequence, depending on your perspective, the nerf
neutralized the KM 20mm guns. No major rewrite or minor tweak will get that back and
no one is talking about SS surviving on the surface. At least, allow for the removal of
the guns for a weight gain or rewrite SS without them. SS drivers can leave them
empty or carry a RESTORER and REPAIRER in the gun slots.

The simplest and easiest FIX would be to "allow planesman to COMPOUND" for a
performance gains like engys do.

Without increasing the 3 support slots for KM you could,
A. Run SLOWER with MORE AIR/dive time with 2 planesman and 1 sonar.
B. Run FAST with LESS AIR/dive time with 1 planesman 1 sonar 1 engy.

Sonar is far too precise and should only provide a general area and not an exact location.
Torpedo streaks or trails need to show up later to give SS time to manuver away.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 17. 2010 01:46

Torp Reload Time?
Torp amount?
Torp Damage?
Surface Damage?
"air" (or battery time) ?
Sub Level (ie T1 sub level 38 T4 Sub level90 etc)?

1 - it's fine, but maybe add 2s more relode, just in-case :D
2 - incrise, add 10 more torps
3 - lower it, from 20k+ to oround 17k+, all so make IJN the nuker subs not MN, MN
nation is a joke in whole -.-
4 - keep it as it is now
5 - BATTERY, but if Dev's can't pull it off, add more air, and nerf subs speed, all so
PRESERVE the distance sub can travel, despite losing speed... keep thet in mind
while adding air.
6 - sub lvl is gona be fine if suggested ideas get implemented, if not...
then incrise the lvl to BB lvl's, akak SS1=BB1, SS2=BB2 ect, regardless if you incrise
lvl subs STILL need adjustemnts PERIOD


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 17. 2010 00:34

A lots of comment is missed a things focuse.
Air electric vs engine Ramp4age is faild a lots BB suport WRONG np but WRONG.
1.)Plansman is have the job,the simply wasted slowed-doubled air and fast
resuply-doubled with the help of SNORKEL.

The vessel's detectability by Sonar or ASDIC could not be altogether eliminated, but
in the event
it turned out that the new boats were much harder to detect than their
predecessors on
account of their optimised shape and silent engines. They were also able to sail
much faster in
silent mode than hitherto.

2.)The BOLD 1to4(5 for typeXXI)countermeasures system blocked incoming signal for
a short
time.Silent hunt -50%speed, -75% ranged be sonar.

3.)Remove critical dive,MAXIM DEPTH full spee damage 10%(KM is deepth like no
one,and the
ASW ships is to not know,rocks wreched,sea animals,explosion is cheat any sonar or
noise of ships or outher ship,exemple:first detonation is hit the bloody ears and
blind eyes.

4.)Is a time to cut the liars cuz about SS,i see BB6,but SS5,6,... still missed in ipotetic
of 45' NF,so bring all improved to SS from 1945,ADD:
-SNORKEL. ss3-4,....all nation
-BOLD.(1-5) ss3-4 type 1 for all nation 10 sec-5charge,s3-4,...type4 20 sec-
-TARNMATTE. alberich ss3-4 all nation-15% sonar&radar,Tarnmate Improved KM -
25% s&r
-MORE TYPE OF TORPEDOS all aviable in ww2.
-Special hydroplane to detect SS just in pericope dive and smalDC,missed in 60%
(sea condition)
Y Y check yours site only preciouse source,but you fiind more information in books.
About balance or als crap lies dont forgoth some Nation is much good like outher,
the olds Type IX D2 is bit the news mighty Gato-Tench class or als,about the last
XXI,isnt have
a rivals in any type of subs or ASW ships,all nation is copy after the ww2.Whend is
come in NF
dont try fiind a stupid motivation in some balance is build to be a surivior and legend
after dead
like Barc(father of Baldur).The ocean going patrol or long range SS is have a similary
calibre of
torp lunch,all torps is aviable for olders Subs.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 16. 2010 23:24

Torp Reload Time?
Increase by 25%
Torp amount?
Reduce to my values previously stated
Torp Damage?
Reduce to 15k max
Surface Damage?
"air" (or battery time) ?
Use ramps system.

Note: only change torp amount if damaged is not changed, and vice versa.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 16. 2010 23:19

I like the idea of battery.

I do believe reduce HE surface damage instead reduce SS torp damage. Better to
game play. Subs will last longer and take more skill to kill ships.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 16. 2010 21:55

I concede the point. I guess if my own suggestions were followed of crossing the map being
possible on a single charge, then if you run out of battery, you deserve to be force
surfaced :o

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 16. 2010 21:37

KM has the 3rd highest damage in torps and have the same number of forward torps
as the US boats. They're missing an aft tube at SS3 and 4, but get an aft tube that
US doesn't have at SS2.

So they aren't missing any forward firepower.

KM torps also have more range and are faster then US torps.

"If you're underwater
and run out of battery, you should just stop, not auto surface."

This I don't agree with. If you run out of battery power you should auto-surface.
Especially if we keep the 0-detect-at-0-speed mechanic. Otherwise, you'll end up
with people who run out of battery, never move for the game and are un-detectable.
So we'll spend the whole game chasing subs that we'll never be able to detect and
never have to surface.

That's incredibly exploitable by griefers.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 16. 2010 21:31

agreed rampage on the ASW stuff.

One thing that a game I just played brought up: subs should be *more* manuverable. Their
only defense really is their small size and submergence, making them turn like 7000ton
destroyers doesn't make much sense...Also, if we remove proxy torps, KM subs are going to
need all the help they can get with only five tubes total.

Or give subs the ability to do off angle torp shots like IRL.

edit again: Battery would also prevent the situation of not having enough air to do a
critical dive. CD should *only* be limited by your DP, nothing else. If you're underwater
and run out of battery, you should just stop, not auto surface.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 16. 2010 21:28

That could be neat, but I don't know how SDE feels about adding more ships.

Maybe add Corvettes and DDEs.