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  • THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 03:34

This is to be used only to suggest changes.

There have been many, many, omg MANY Sub suggestion threads and topics, so here is the idea.

You guys all pick some of the concepts, ideas buffs nerfs etc from all the other threads
and add them here.

While you are welcome to discuss why a change would or would not work, keep it to a
logical and clear discussion.

No - "you are only a BB whinner"
No - "You are bias sub driver" in fact any insults will have their post hidden

Make your point - Make it clearly, make it once - anything else will be thermonuked as
will all other sub threads from here on in really.

Tell SDE what you want to see from Subs and sub play with BB play etc for the future

I'll keep checking in and see what you guys have come up with, there is some brilliant
ideas I have read thus far and look forward to them all in one thread and see where it
progresses, hopefully to a positive conclusion where, at least most of the community will
be happy with the changes (if any)

*Ninja Edit
Please no long winded posts, keep it short

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 15:27

Return it to pre-patch.
Thats the way it was advertised.
Thats the way it was tested.
Thats the way it was released.
Remove SS4 from game completely.
Don't recall alot of complaints pre SS4.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 15:19

thets cool with me, but not so much for KM sub community....I'm all for removing
proxy, but I doubt it will happen so I try and trow a few modification suggestions
oround :)

I mean I hate KM subs, but in all fairness they can stay good...but not OPed as they
are now :).

*footnote, you sed no splash dmg for anybody, hence why I used the sentence
*removing proxy* since proxy is 90% splash hit, so ther is no confusion :)*


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 15:15

When I said splash damage needed to go away, there was no;

*except for KM.


I meant it needed to go away. For everyone.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 15:11

Ramp4ge wrote:

*Destroying ships with splash damage is a stupid mechanic. You should NOT be
rewarded for missing your target. And if the only way that one can differentiate
playstyles between nations is by the effectiveness of their splash damage, then
more work needs to be done.

You should NOT be rewarded for a miss. And if you successfully dodge a torpedo,
you should NOT take damage from it.

Period. *


I agree, hence why KM prox needs a re-write(I suggest reduced dmg by 50% if torp
wouled regulary miss but hits cuz of prox).
Miss shot shouled be a miss shot, for all nations.


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 15:01

"your 4. and 5. points do more harm then any balancing to sub warfare...eaven
more...they remove all nation subs effectivness EXCEPT KM sub, if you made it thet
way KM sub wouled be the only sub played...."

Destroying ships with splash damage is a stupid mechanic. You should NOT be
rewarded for missing your target. And if the only way that one can differentiate
playstyles between nations is by the effectiveness of their splash damage, then more
work needs to be done.

You should NOT be rewarded for a miss. And if you successfully dodge a torpedo, you
should NOT take damage from it.


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 14:46


1. Increase belt armour damage reduction for ff/dd/cl by 500%.

2. Credit reward for sub damage 300%

3. Reduce max speed of SS3+4 by 2 knots.

4. Increase HH accuracy, decrease range by 5%.

5. Eliminate DC surface damage, damage reduction sub water 10%.

6. No smoke on subs, air increase 15%

7. Eliminate splash damage, torp reload time for each torpedo

8. when overheating submerged sub can be seen even in the fog of war

that'll do

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 14:41

not gona eaven try to counter Altsain's post....we all done it xxxxxxxxxxx times all
ready it's clear...



your 4. and 5. points do more harm then any balancing to sub warfare...eaven
more...they remove all nation subs effectivness EXCEPT KM sub, if you made it thet
way KM sub wouled be the only sub played.... After all this is a overall sub
suggestion/discussion and you shouled take sub vs sub in count as well

4 - wouled not affect KM subs AT ALL, considering ther pesky prox trigger
all thoe I agree it shouled be NERFED not removed, but you have to take KM torps in
count as well, unless you plan to remove proxy, ther MISS will still count as a direct
hit, true will less splash dmg, dmg wouled be lower but still more hit's and more dmg
for KM then any other nations...
all in all KM subs relation to other nation subs wouled stay the same, wich is KM >
rest, insted of some kinde of balance...

5 - I belive SOME duds shouled be ther, BUT for all nations including KM despite ther
pesky proxy

thets all :)


nobody sed sub will get 20s more air and 5 knots less speed...
we are talking in general about incrise air...
lets say current sub can stay under for 3min runing with 40 knots....
if you add air and nerf the speed, you WOULED NOT get a trade 1/1, but more like

lets say in 3min you can get to CV line in GB2....
the way I belive air/speed cap shouled affect is like this...

Less speed but SAME distance traveled as now OR MORE.... not LESS, only diference
wouled be, the ship you attack wouled acctually have a chance of runing, while ATM
most of them CAN'T.

thus insted of having 3min air, you wouled have 4-5-6 min but your kill woulden't be
100% garantee, as for ASW they need a nerf, so saying they wouled whipe you out
is just a wrong statment, if SDE listen's to us ASW will be nerfed as well, thus
INCRISING sub's life underwater, while keeping them a punching bag on surface.
As sub's shouled be.


  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 13:46

My humble suggestion:
1) Warning message :incoming asdic signal the source is : type of ship 12of clock or direction
blue color line who is in normal active sonar the source is releved.

2) BOLD countermesuring 10 charge blocking incoming signal each for 20 sec KM SS;5 charge
for all SSships 10sec(for balance in NF).
-4 type of coating: alberich-SS2(all nation*),alberich improved-SS3,tarmatte-SS4,tarmatte
improved+SS5 reduce radio and sonar with 15*,20,25,35% range
-Snorkel fast air resuply with +200% for SS-3,4,+5;
-4 more type of torpedos ,long range-normal speed,fast,very fast with out of reducing speed.
and for KM two type of acustic torps long range-normal speed,very fast with out reduce speed-
normal range.

3) Aviable of new Catalina special to observe the sub,slow and low altitudine for DC in 60%
flying random missed to observe sub(Sea condition-wave,raining,snow,highwind).

4) HH explode just in direct contact with subs,no splash and reduce range with 50%

5) DC reduce splash with 60%

6) Increse air with 200%

7) Remove crtical dive completly,subs with full speed is evade in :
.crash dive-maxim deepth reciving just 10% of normal damage DC and HH,
.normal depth dive under 60meters reciving damage 25%
.periscop depth 8-14meter reciving 100% damage of ASW
.silence mode-normal depth and maxim dive reduce speed with 50% detection range with 65%
-Increse torpedos a board for all subs with 25%
-Just the ships with sonar is capabile to see the subs.

8) Remove the HH for any type of BB and CV.

9) New TDC button decrese dude torps with 95% increse damage with 50%(draft ships
knowing)aviable to one(for balance in NF).

10) Aviable to remove all guns of deck,all news improved is pay in harbor.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 13:15

Subs are difficult to balance as they are currently represented. Let me outline a few
salient points here:

1) Subs need to be able to close with a target.
- For their play-style, submarines need to get close to an enemy ship. This means
that a sub needs to see the direction an enemy ship is heading in an adjust their
course to intercept. This is where air versus speed comes into play. A sub must have
the -opportunity- to catch a battleship, but not a guarantee. Most people agree that
a BB should be able to outrun an SS, so this leaves stealth and positioning to enable
a sub to get in close. More air would let a sub stay underwater longer, avoid
detection, and creep up on an unsuspecting target.

2) People don't like being ambushed.
- This goes with any game. The sub is basically a rogue, and everyone HATES rogues.
Getting stabbed in the back out of nowhere is extremely irritating, but that's how
subs work. What this means is that, despite player perception, subs need -better-
stealth abilities. As it stands, a good portion of the enemy team can detect your sub,
and the -entire- enemy team can see your sub once detected. If we refer to point
#1, we can already assume that subs will be slower than their targets, so once
seen, their quarry will most likely turn, run, and escape.

2a) Sonar
- So, DD's and FF's receive auto-sonar, and once found, the sub is then exposed to
the entire team. This, I believe, is a mistake. Yes, DD's, FF's, and CL's should be the
core ASW ships. However, the auto-sonar should -only- allow -one- ship to see the
sub. The image would not be transmitted to everyone else. I propose that only with
the addition of a sonarman should the whole team be informed of the subs location.
In addition, CA's, BB's, and CV's should not be able to use any form of sonar.

3) Torp damage, bulge, and levels
- This is where I find myself in a quandary. A sub needs the chance to catch a
battleship, but should it be able to kill it once caught? As it stands, BB's have enough
bulge to completely absorb an entire salvo of torps. But the amount of bulge various
BB's carry will differ from player to player. The level of the sub versus the level of the
BB will also come into account. An SS1 versus a BB6 should not, I believe, result in
the BB6 dying unless it was already crippled or devoid of bulge. BB's also resent
dying in a single salvo.

3a) Damage
- As with #1, I believe that, according to the subs level, they need a -chance- at
killing a BB. An SS1, for example, should have a chance of killing a BB1. An SS2 for a
BB2, an SS3 for a BB3, and an SS4 for a BB4. A BB5 and BB6 should be the most
difficult targets, but should -not- be impossible to kill for a determined SS4 or a pack
of smaller subs working together. For a fully-bulged ship, 1-2 salvos should destroy
the bulge, with the 3rd and 4th either crippling or killing the ship itself. This will, of
course, vary on the ship and sub. An SS4 versus a non-bulged BB1 should probably
kill it in 1-2 salvos. An SS1 versus a fully-bulged BB5? Not so much.

3b) Levels
- I speak from experience when I say the SS1 is the most painful, annoying trial of
endurance and fatigue I have ever experienced in this game. It's horrendously slow,
it has no air, few torps, and is bait for practically every ASW that comes along. The
SS2 is much, much better by comparison, and the SS3 and 4 are more or less fine.
Now, if you bump up the levels of the subs to correspond with the ships they are
supposed to kill, namely BB's and CV's, this would bring the SS1 up to about level 50.
If this is done, then the SS1 would need some serious tweaking, not to mention that
the sub ship line itself would be a long, horrendous grind almost equal to that of
leveling a CV crew to its first CV.

3c) Splash
- Sub splash damage is a little...well, irritating. Seeing a torp sail well past the back
of my DD, exploding, and crippling me at a range a normal torp would have only -
scratched- me at is annoying at best. It needs to be reduced, no question.

4) ASW
- Subs should be afraid of DD's and FF's. They are the ships meant to hunt them,
after all. Now, all DD's and FF's would get auto-sonar, but it would be limited to the
ship that had spotted to the sub, as I noted in a point above. However, there needs
to be some way to tell which ships have sonarmen equipped so that subs know
which ships will transmit their image to the entire team and will therefore be able to
better avoid them. Since subs carry sonarmen anyway, perhaps the levels of
opposing sonarmen should become a factor? For example, if a sub has a level 50
sonarman versus a DD with a level 25 sonarman, the sub would be able to tell,
before it got in range to see him, that the DD was a danger. I'm not entirely sure if
this could be coded, but it's a thought anyway. Sonar should not function when in

4a) Depth Charge damage
- ASW needs to be able to kill subs. As it stands, I think both DC's and Hedgehogs
are fine as they are damage-wise. However, I would drastically reduce the damage
they do to surface ships. DD's and CL's should not be able to nearly cripple
themselves when simply doing the job they are designed to do.

So, to sum things up:
1) BB's need to be able to run from a sub when it's spotted.
2) Subs need a better chance going undetected.
3) Subs need to be able to stay underwater longer, since that is their playstyle.
4) Auto-sonar needs to be personal only, with sonarmen required for team spotting.
5) Sub level should correspond with the ships they are meant to kill.
6) It should take a few salvos to kill a fully-bulged ship, depending upon level of both
sub and ship.
7) Torp splash damage needs to be reduced.
8) Torp damage needs to be adjusted based on numbers 5 and 6.
9) Subs need to be able to tell which ships are equipped with sonarmen.
10) Depth charge need to inflict less damage upon surface ships.

  • Re : THE Sub suggestion thread

    05. 15. 2010 12:58

My COMPLETE Sub suggestion.

1) Keep submarines fragile on the surface. Their advantage does not lie on the
surface, their advantage lies beneath the surface.

2) Remove "Air" all together and replace "Air" with "Battery". Tie in the time you can
stay submerged with how fast you go, and make it proportionate. The faster you go
submerged, the faster your battery is used up. A sub skipper who is smart and
manages their speed/times their attacks well can stay under for a very long time. But
a sub skipper who is retarded and fictories across the map will end up forced to teh
surface very quickly. And dead.

3) Similar to the above, tie in SONAR effectiveness with the sub's under-water speed.
A slow-moving sub will be harder to detect then one that is moving faster, and will
require the SONAR-equipped ship to be closer before the detection happens. A
submarine moving quickly under the water will stick out like a sore thumb.

4) Remove torpedo splash damage. Torpedoes should not provide reward for failing
to hit the target.

5) Remove torpedo "Duds." A successful torpedo hit should register the proper
attack, not pass under the ship.

6) Give scouts depth bombs, using the same script now as scouts dropping mines. T1
and T2 scouts would carry 1 depth bomb, T3 and T4 scouts could carry 2.

7) Remove ability for surface-running torpedoes to strike a submarine. This has
always been a mechanic that struck me as odd. The average running depth for a
surface torp is 4 meters. The average periscope depth for a submarine is 10-14
meters. How is a torpedo running at 4 meters going to strike a submarine running at

8) Leave ASW at it's current power, but make HHs "Contact-only" as they should be,
but near-fatal if they do contact. Give Depth Charges the same "random" script that
sub torps had, except crank it up to around 50%. That way DCs have a more
"random" feel to them, and instead of just being close, you also have to be
somewhat lucky.

This, I think, would make SS play engaging for the sub driver AND the ASW player,
and has buffs and nerfs for BOTH sides of the coin.